Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Catching up

Just checking in with everyone - seems to be very little activity lately. Where is everyone?

I'm now 37 weeks and 4 days along in my pregnancy - could go at any time. My due date is the 17th (my birthday) but I'm hoping ot have him on a differnet day so he'll have his own day. So we'll see. Getting excited and anxious, as I still am not prepared - not like I was with Dominic, but then again I wasn't chasing a 14 month old around while trying to prepare things for the baby's arrival either. : )

Still doing things around the house.....no major undertakings yet, but we did build a nice shed - I was 8 months pregnant hammering and cutting wood, etc - that was interesting. So hopefully when the market gets back up, the things we have done will be worth something.

Crazy to think our 20 year reunion will be in 2 years, isn't it? How the time flies......I'm sure it's a little too soon, but is there anyone with any news ont he reunion planning, etc?

Hope everyone is doing well and hopefully we'll see some posts on here soon! Take care, Tessa (Spear)

posted by Tessa () at September 30, 2008, 11:21 am

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Welcome to the new blog!

To post to the updated Ingraham High School Class of 1990 Reunion web site, click this link, and enter your name, email, post subject, and post message.


The username and password is the same as it was on the old site (if you can't figure it out, let me know).

BTW, all of the old posts have been archived by year.


Entries from January 2008 - August 2008



At Wed Jan 2 17:13:21 2008, D. J. (Adolfo) Rosete (djrosete2@yahoo.com) wrote:

early JANUARY 2008:

D. J. (formerly Adolfo) Rosete

Some of you may know me, though some of you do not, as my sole connection to your high school is through Asa Mercer Middle School, a place where many graduates of Ingraham High School pass through by way of the track given them by the Seattle Public Schools. Anyway, I just wanted to state that I’m still around, still alive as it were: the march of time goes on, and it seems the effects and ardors of life (and death) will catch up with us inevitably, whether we like it or not: looking about this Web site, I’m actually a bit surprised as to what has happened to several of you. I remember a good number of you who went to Mercer, from Tae, to April, Tali, Georgia, Troy, Billie, Richard Davies, Jessica, Elise, (Joby—who went somewhere else), Jason Wong and so on; I fondly reminisce about those years, 1984-86, when there was a large November blizzard in ’85—the worst snow storm in forty years!—with large flakes of the powdery stuff sticking to the ground, and we had snow days in the district, and some of you might recall that in the Eighth Grade we stayed in school until the Third of July because of it.
I was thinking—dreaming is probably the more precise word—that we could have an Asa Mercer 25-year Reunion: No, really, I was thinking we could have a get-together, just to see each other again, with merely light refreshments and dessert; it doesn’t have to be a full-blown reunion, but we could reminisce by playing in the background music from those times, songs like “Nasty,” “19,” “Cool It Now,” “Mr. Telephone Man,” “West End Girls,” “The Conga,” “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go,” “Shout,” “Freeway of Love” and listen further to the then-new and faddish material by INXS (“Listen Like Thieves”) and Prince (“Take Me With You,” “Erotic City” and even the now seemingly passé “Kiss”), as played on K-PLUS and KRIZ; we could watch “The Terminator” or some other trendy movie, as we did in Mrs. Bodoia’s Spanish class; we might then take out a telescope, like the 6-inch Celestron Newtonian reflector Mr. Newton brought out, and see something in the night sky, like the planets and the moon, which one can easily spot (or Halley’s Comet, which last appeared in this part of the solar system around 1985-86, as some of you might recall; it won’t be back until 2061-62); we could rent out Mercer’s auditorium or lunchroom from the School District on a weekend afternoon, maybe a sunny one, where maybe we could recall the bake sales and candy grams and once again have the vast majority of the students boo at President Reagan. I suppose the only difficulty in having such a reunion would be the logistics to it, as to how it would be set up and to see if anyone would like to contribute their time or donate to the event. It was just a thought, Mercerites.
You might remember some other Mercer alumni who went elsewhere, other than Ingraham, like myself: Ron Brown went to Franklin, where he became ASB President, and then on to Stanford, and last I’ve heard is currently doing something in the financial world, conceivably still aspiring to be a politician; Rosanna Dolan went to West Seattle, where she was Senior Class Vice-President, and right after graduating high school got married: presently, I believe she has two children and is in the Far East with her husband, who is in the military; Josie Weisbach went to Rainier Beach, where she was class valedictorian, and today is almost certainly a person of some consequence. As the years have gone by, I seem to have lost touch with all these people, including April Lau, whom I saw in college, when I called her up just to see what was going on, it seems not too long ago; if someone could tell her I’m looking for her and Tae (John) and these other individuals who I’ve just mentioned in this last paragraph, I’d appreciate it, feeling their friendships welcome ones. By the way, I personally attempted to transfer to Ingraham three times, but wound up stuck at West Seattle High School, to my general dismay. I almost got to go to Ingy the first time around, but alas, it was ultimately no go; it seems my life would have changed, perhaps profoundly, if I had. I went on to the University of Washington, where I received my Bachelor’s degree, in History, and was also briefly at the University of Wisconsin. So, as for the rest of you, those of you who may remember me and wish to contact me for some reason or other, feel free to do so however much time it may take out of your busy lives. Whatever may become of this message, at any rate many thanks Ingraham alumni, from an old friend who still maintains a certain camaraderie with you even though he went to a different high school, as if he came from some distant, forlorn tribe in search of its long, lost relatives,


D. J. (formerly Adolfo) Rosete

At Mon Jan 7 00:47:56 2008, Christian Santiago (christian5327@yahoo.com) wrote:

Some of the names that were mentioned on the previous posts are vaguely familiar to me. I agree with this person about the differences between West Seattle and Ingraham. Years later, I learned that the student bodies at both West Seattle and Chief Sealth represented an entirely different socioeconomic demographic than at Ingraham. The students at Ingraham tended to be lower middle to middle class whereas the students at the other two schools were mostly blue collar. I noticed a general sense of apathy at Chief Sealth amongst the student body there. In those years, the dropout rate at both schools was above 15%. The final two years of high school meant a dramatic shift from an upbeat white collar environment at Ingraham with generally intelligent individuals to a downtrodden 'let's get married and have children' blue collar attitude at Sealth. I only recall about a dozen students at Sealth in my graduating class entering the UW even though at the time it was easier to be admitted than today. Sealth attracted low income families spanning the entire ethnic spectrum of Seattle even though West Seattle the neighborhood was mostly caucasian. Obviously, none of my observations apply today since most of these blue collar families have been pushed out by skyrocketing prices and of course forced bussing no longer exists. People and places can be affected by change. One minute a teenager can be reeling from the fact that his father the lawyer was caught by the FBI arranging phony marriages and then the next minute be a law school graduate himself with the added confidence of 20 years of experience dealing skillfully with all types of individuals. I was too intimidated to call people on their egotistical nonsense in high school. Still, I miss the people at Ingraham and believe that the previouis post has a valid idea about a middle school reunion. However, it is important to note that at all levels of schooling people are just haphazardly thrown together which means that ultimately all end up going their separate ways in the long run. Otherwise, why would reunions be held in the first place if everyone always kept in touch?

At Wed Jan 9 23:26:55 2008, Jarrod A Robertson (maverick2115@yahoo.com) wrote:

What up yo? How is everyone doing. Sorry I was MIA for so long. Life has been fun, I cannot begin to tell ya how it is. Finally caught to my big sis Susie (Haymond) Barnes. I guess the short of it, been doing some fun stuf and finally decided to settle down a bit. Just about to finish my AA degree and ready to move on to the U. Coaching football (like that was a surprise). What else? Hmmm drop a line I got lots of fun stories, just like the rest of ya'll.

At Mon Jan 14 03:34:04 2008, Christian Santiago (christian5327@yahoo.com) wrote:

As I reflect upon the unique qualities that this class possesses, I have attempted to confirm that this is truly the case. Google searches into the existence of other class of 1990 sites from the remaining Seattle high schools leads me to believe that this is it. Not even Roosevelt or Garfield has had either a website or a reunion. A few days ago I uncovered a free version of classmates.com and to my surprise there were already several students from this class listed. As we approach the 20 year anniversary of this class, I now wonder how some individuals have the ability to maintain open lines of communication across a relatively significant span of time. At this point in a person's life(mid-30's), it is easy to see that one's identity during their teen years is still in a state of radical change. If this is the case, then why do high school reunions possess such a powerful hold on our society's consciousness? After all, the person that you were in high school was not even close to being the finished product of who you would become in midlife and beyond. Notice how college and graduate school reunions are either few or nonexistent. In the media, there have been movies such as Grosse Pointe Blank that poke fun at our seemingly unexplained need to reconnect with our high school past. As one classmate states to the main character Martin Blank, "It's as if some of these people think that you can't evolve....". In reality, it can be that you evolve so much that you see everyone in a different light. High School reunions have a virtual cult-like iconic status in our society. It is not unusual at all to see 40 or 50 year reunions of classmates that really have only known each other a brief period of time. Perhaps it is the old adage of the story of an actual event getting better upon each retelling. Selective memory allows us to romanticize an event that objectively speaking was forced upon us by big brother the State. Even the ones that enjoyed learning would be compelled to agree that had they been given free reign I am sure would not elect to rise before 7am every morning five days per week so that starting at 7:45 am they can hear an instructor lecture on a topic that could be learned through self study at the library during a later time of day. I suppose it is the memory of high school as we recollect it rather than as it truly was objectively which gives cause to these gatherings.

At Mon Feb 25 10:41:58 2008, Tessa () wrote:

Well, doesn't look like anyone's been on here for quite a while. Just checking in to see how everyone was. Doing good here. Started a new joba few weeks ago. baby boy is doing great. He's 7 months now. And I'm expecting again, in October. So that will be #2 and the final one. We're very excited. I'm hoping it's a girl, so it evens; out the house, but I'll be happy with whatever we get, as long as they are healthy. House is doing good. Doing little updates here and there. The market has lowered the value to $10,000 less than we bought it for though, which SUCKS! But there's not much we can do about that. Other than just hope and pray it goes up int he next few years before we sell. Anyhow, hope everyone's doing well.

At Thu May 1 15:04:03 2008, Layne Benofsky (laynebenofsky@gmail.com) wrote:

Howdy Folks! :) We're almost at 20 years. Holy Christ!

At Sat May 17 18:01:44 2008, Amy Thurber (Jackson) (amyjo72@msn.com) wrote:

Layne?!?!? How are you doing? What have you been up to? Great to hear from you!

At Fri Jun 6 10:33:56 2008, Greg Miller (Greg.H.Miller@live.com) wrote:

I just found this so I am chiming in. It looks like no one has been on for a while. Cheers. -Greg

At Mon Aug 25 01:42:35 2008, Paul A Fashaw (fashaw24@hotmail.com) wrote:

How is everyone doing? I am just trying to find out who is on the 20yr reunion committee. If you have the info can you e-mail me. Our school and class was the best hands down.

Entries from 2007



At Fri Jan 19 15:54:41 2007, Mark Branom (markb@stanford.edu) wrote:

We're Back! Happy New Year! I just realized that somehow my server settings were changed so nobody could post. Oh, well. That's been fixed, so feel free to post away!


At Wed Feb 28 16:26:18 2007, Tessa () wrote:

Hey everyone....where are you?!?!?


At Tue Mar 6 18:52:29 2007, Charles Cooper () wrote:

Well, it has been a while since the last time I was here. I hope everyone is doing well. I've been concentrating on work, studying for my Information Technology certifications, and traveling a little. I known someone who works at Princess Cruise Lines, so I have been able to get discounts on cruises. I have been going to New York City for St. Patrick's Day for a couple of years. Having a buddy with his own place in New York City and using Jet Blue for the trip, only costs $248 for four days, without having to rent a hotel room. (Starting in May, it will jump to $500+.) Has anyone else noticed the amount of condos that are becoming built in Seattle? In Ballard, it is insane.

At Mon Mar 12 22:10:07 2007, Tessa () wrote:

I haven't been to Ballard since last summer, but I was VERY bummed to see the house I grew up in, in Ballard, which was a very nice hand built by the husband house, was torn down for a condo building that's about 5 feet from the neighbors houses on both sides. Of all the houses on the block, they had to buy & tear that one down. I was SOOOO sad. I HATE condo's. How many do we need, you know?

Otherwise, things are going good. I'm 5 1/2 months pregnatn with a little boy (my 1st successfull pregnancy) and we just bought a house that we move into in 2 weeks. So this year is a very big one for us. It's very exciting. Hope all is just as well with everyone else!


At Sat May 19 01:10:33 2007, Michaela (Hegamin) () wrote:

Charles, who do you know at Princess? I used to work there -- many people in my family are bummed that I didn't go back after my son was born!
Tessa, I hope all is going well for you. I know what a big, scary shock it is when you discover that miscarriages are really common. The great thing, though, is that you eventually end up with a little person who you wouldn't trade for the world. Good luck!

JulyAt Fri Jul 6 15:51:56 2007, Tessa () wrote:

Thanks. I am doing good and things are going well. I'm due next Friday...so we're getting a little anxious and excited. It's been a pretty easy pregnancy...if you don't count the swollen feet for the last 3 months. I've only been able to wear flip flops and slippers. But all things considered, I can deal with that. : ) I'll let you know when the big day arrives! Hope everyone (all 3 or 4 of us) are enjoying the weather!!

At Wed Jul 25 19:20:24 2007, Charles Cooper (charliecooper@hotmail.com) wrote:

Michaela! Long time, no hear. My Brother is Carrie Tuttle's boyfriend, so she has been giving us discounts for the cruises. She recognized your name immediately. It seems there should be congratulations all around; marriages, births, etc. Now, if only I can win the Lottery... ;-) I would be happy with sunshine for more than a week straight.


At Tue Aug 28 19:28:53 2007, Tessa () wrote:

Just wanted to check in and let everyone know I had the baby. July 18, 2007 at 4:33am after 23 hours of labor. : ) His name is Dominic and he's getting big. It's been 6 weeks and he's gained 5 lbs and grown 3 inches!!! He's the size of a 2 month old. Anyways, things are going great...hope everyone is well.


At Mon Oct 29 13:45:58 2007, Jessica Schauberger (jschaube19@hotmail.com) wrote:

Just wanted to drop by and say hi! Congrats Tessa on baby Dominic and thanks for posting all those cute pix on myspace. He truly is a gem.... Hi Charles... Hi Michaela!


At Wed Nov 7 18:50:24 2007, Norman () wrote:

How is everybody doing?? Doesn't anyone post here anymore, or do we all stay on myspace????

At Sun Nov 18 20:47:24 2007, Christian Santiago (christian5327@hotmail.com) wrote:

I recognize many names from this class even though I had only attended Ingraham during the first two years of high school. Recently, I walked into the office to see if Mr. Cygan was still teaching history so that I could tell him how much I appreciated someone like him teaching our classes. Unfortunately, the secretary said that he had retired a few years ago but probably teaches at a community college. Afterwards, I walked through the halls which almost 20 years ago seemed so daunting and large. Had I stayed at Ingraham I would have been part of the class of 1990 reunion. However, I do not think anyone remembers me at all. From 1986-1988, my personal situation was in complete turmoil. Because of the turmoil coupled with my inexperience in interacting with others I was for all intents and purposes a basket case internally. In my final two years I returned to living in West Seattle which required a transfer to Chief Seatlh which, in my opinion, was worlds away from the scene at Ingraham. I have to admit that many of my classmates at Ingraham were interesting individuals; I wish I had the interaction skills that I have developed over the years back then to uncover these people in the class of 1990. This class was a watershed class because it was probably the final class that drew most of its students from the local area instead of across town. I recall it being a freshman class of 500 which was also a watershed figure. Presently, Seattle is a transient place full of overpriced housing and transplants from all over the country. In the 15 years that I have been independent as an adult, I have encountered fewer than a dozen Seattlelites. Of course, whenever a person claims that they are from Seattle all one has to do is ask about the schools that they attended. When I was at Ingraham with this class, Seattle was just a respectable regional city. The Mr. Smiths and Mr. Cygans at Ingraham could actually afford to buy a house near the school with their own salary. Minimum wage was $3.35/hour for many years. Students actually looked original and would meet up with each other face to face because there were no cell phones or internet. I suppose I am one of those late bloomers. At the UW, I had a prerequisite with a girl from Ingraham but she didn't even recognize me even though we sat next to each other in a math class freshman year. Ultimately, I spent a few years out of state completing law school but when I returned in 2001 I noticed a marked change in Seattle. Hopefully, I can attend the next reunion for this class so that I can reconnect with my nostalgic past. It is good to know that there are people in this class that are still active in keeping touch with each other.


At Mon Dec 17 06:54:16 2007, Amy Thurber (Jackson) (amyjo72@msn.com) wrote:

Christian, I totally remember your name, but I can't put a face to it. But I'm really bad at that anyway. I've been so busy lately. I got a job working for a 'behavioral' preschool class. I work for the school district here, and my class is the one where they send all the kids who are unable to function in a regular class because of behavioral or developmental disorders. We currently have eight children in it. I hopefully will be going to U of U soon to get my degree in preschool special ed. It's so funny because in all those questionaires we used to fill out in school, they always predicted that my ideal job was a Kindergarten teacher - lol. But I really enjoy my job. It's very challenging at times, but every day is different from the last and I really love the kids I work with. Anyway, that's what's been happening with me lately. Not much different from what always is happening with me. The kids are almost all in school full-time now, making it much easier for me to focus a little bit on my own schooling and future. Generally, it's really a nice time of life for me. I really enjoy the ages of the kids right now. They are fun, but a handful, when they are really young. But now that they are a little older, we have so much fun together. We can appreciate the same jokes and play the same games (I mean actual games - not candyland and go-fish... ugh!). So far, raising teenagers really isn't as bad as everyone says it would be. Granted, I only have a 15yo and a 13yo that qualify as teens. I'm sure it will get a little more challenging when I have 4 teenagers and a 12yo. Not too worried yet, though.

At Sun Dec 23 13:40:54 2007, norman gettys (dakota98038@yahoo.com) wrote:

I hope everybody has a great Christmas,and a happy New Year!!!!

Entries from 2006



At Tue Jan 3 17:09:21 2006, Charles Cooper () wrote:

Whoohoo! 2006! Happy New Year!

At Wed Jan 4 14:49:15 2006, Tessa () wrote:

2006 ....... Can you believe it? Our 20 Year Reunion is in 4 years. That blows me away. I don't feel old enough to have graduated that long ago. :) Hope everyone had a Happy & safe new Years. And here's wishing you all the best for this new year ahead.

At Fri Jan 6 14:38:40 2006, Kelly Jean Rudhe (kellyrudhe@yahoo.com) wrote:

Holy Hell, people!!! I just spent the last 30 minutes of work catching up on this post. WOW. Since you all seemed to cover everything, I'm leaving out my two-cents. Anonymous: I sure hope I wasn't mean to you! If it makes you feel better, these jokers made fun of my hair EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR A YEAR. I know it's certainly not the same as your experience, but hey, it still sucked. (assholes! :))

Happy New Year to all, especially Anonymous...I sure hope this year brings much love and happiness to you and your family, even if they are cats (and a hubby)!

I really don't have much to report...Wish I did. Working on winning the lottery. Not really; I never buy a ticket.

I did recently read Andrea Burton's blog; she and her husband Ben are expecting child number 2! And AJ Oishi just had another baby too. I sometimes get the catch-up from Ms. Engelke, and those other wacky girls that seem to be current on the status of some of the other Rams.

I'm still in touch with Darrin and Matt Kuebler, saw Kleve this summer, as well as Eddie Kloth and Brian Doyle. Everyone seems to be doing well; some are married w/ kids, some just married, and some are neither. Also, for those of you interested in those from other years, I hung out with Leo Rivera a couple weeks ago. If you're ever in Portland, look him up! He's the proud proprietor of Bishops Barbershops, and it's always a good time to hang out with Leo...Paul Ito and I had dinner in Hawaii last fall! He's a director of gold at one of the nicer courses on Kauai. Oh, and last but certainly not least, my lovely sissy, Tracy, is onto her last year of grad school in Denver. She's busy, but great. Got to spend some quality time with her this winter.

That's all I got, folks!

Oh! Tessa! Again, I'm sorry I couldn't make your wedding, but I'm so glad it turned out just the way you wanted. The few pictures you sent were fabulous!



At Fri Jan 6 16:19:23 2006, kjr () wrote:

Ha ha, I said 'director of gold.' I bet he wishes! (it's golf, but i'm sure you smartypantses figured that out already)

At Thu Jan 12 11:46:29 2006, Norman (dakota98038@msn.com) wrote:

I hope everone had a happy New Year!!! Mine sucked. Due to a family emergency,my plans got cancelled,but everyone is better now.It's hard to believe that we have been out of school for 16 years,(now I feel old). I WILL make it to this reunion!!

At Thu Jan 19 15:14:28 2006, () wrote:

At Thu Jan 19 20:02:21 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

I really hope everyone had a better New Year than I did. I was in the hospital with emergency back surgery. I was diagnosed with Cauda Equina Syndrome on Dec. 29th after weeks of severe pain in my leg (which landed me in the ER on Dec. 26th). Once they finally diagnosed me, they rushed me to surgery. They weren't too optimistic about a full recovery, but I'm recovering so rapidly and so well that now they feel strongly that I will have a full recovery (which is what I believe). Cauda Equina Syndrome is a nasty piece of work. It happens when a disc slips and presses on a particular nerve root. Some people lose all sensation below the waste and have to relearn to walk and live the rest of their lives like that. I had a great deal of pain in my left leg, then the numbness set in and started progressing to the right. They caught it before it progressed into the right leg and every day I have more and more sensation and muscle control. It's actually very disorienting. I hadn't fully caught up to the fact that I had lost so much sensation so when it started to come back, my mind would get the signals mixed up. It can actually be pretty funny. Like when the sensation started to return to the numb spots on the bottom of my left foot, my brain read it as intense itching. Other times, it'll feel like I'm being tickled or stabbed. Very weird. Anyway, Shenan Compton spent several hours with me on New Years Eve, which really brightened my spirits. :) But now, I'm doing great. Can't wait to stop feeling so tired all the time though!

At Thu Jan 19 23:24:29 2006, Tessa () wrote:

Jeaneen, I'm so sorry you're having to go through that. It must have been scary....probably still is. I am hoping you have a full and speedy recovery. Sounds like you're doing better than they were expecting already, so that's good. Please keep us informed on how you're doing.....take care of yourself! ~Tessa

At Fri Jan 20 16:12:43 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

Thanks, Tessa! I really am doing remarkably well. It was the scariest thing I've gone through in my life and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, but I can't describe my gratitude at how well and quickly I'm recovering.

At Sun Jan 29 12:15:53 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

Normally, I'm not a sports fan, but did anyone else see the NFC Championship game last week? For the first time in my life I'm excited for the Super Bowl. The Hawks' whole season has reminded me of Ingy's in '88: "State in '88" and "Don't Believe the Hype!" Heh heh heh... GO HAWKS!

At Mon Jan 30 15:21:12 2006, Tessa () wrote:

Yes, I watched it and I can't WAIT to watch the Super Bowl. This has been a GREAT season and yes, it does remind me alot of the '88 football season. We went to State that year if I'm not mistaken. That was alot fo fun....they hype and crowds at the game, etc. Those were the days. :) I'm keepig my fingers crossed for the Hawks. Those Pittsburg fans are brutal. I heard a guy on the radio that moved recently to Pittsburg (his wifes hometoen) from Seattle and because he has a Seahawk bumper sticker and window cling he's gotten his car egged once and his tires slashed twice. Imagine what will happen to the poor guy when the Seahawks win the Super Bowl!!! he better run for cover. :)

At Tue Jan 31 20:05:23 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

:-0 He got his car egged and tires slashed?? Sheesh! That just blows me away. Yes, in '88 we went to (and took) State. I remember it so vividly because I was in the band, so it was a big deal for us to trek all over the state for the games (a lot of fun, my favorite year in Ingy band). I start back to work tomorrow after nearly 6 weeks off. I'm excited to be getting back into the normal swing of things but I imagine it'll still be slower going than I want it to. I also start my outpatient physical therapy tomorrow.

At Fri Feb 3 12:36:55 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

What are everyone's plans for the Super Bowl (if you're watching)? If you're not watching, what are you going to be doing instead? I'm going to my sister's house. She and her hubby just got a new sweet 42" plasma TV (digital and HDTV). We watched the NFC Championship on it and it was amazing! It felt like we were right on the field! I never understood the fascination with gadgetry, but I swear, it's so hard to go back to a square analog TV after that! Was in QFC the other day and noticed that in the frozen foods section, Kosta has started to sell some of his restaraunt's dishes as frozen meals. I saw the "Varlamos Pizza" label and it didn't even register at first because I drive by his restaraunt all the time on my way to and from church. Then it hit me! LOL Anyway, thought that was pretty cool. Congrats to Kosta!

At Fri Feb 3 13:26:38 2006, Tessa () wrote:

That is VERY cool about Kosta's food being sold. Good for him. I've never been to his restaurant...with living in Tacoma, it'a not too close. But I might have to make a point of going up there.

My plans for Super Bowl? Not sure yet. We got invited to a friends hose for a party, but he's got a 32" square screen TV, and I have a 52" Flat screen at my house...just not enough room for all the people. So I'm torn between that TV quality to watch the Super Bowl win of the century or the atmoshphere of all the friends as it's happening. Such dilemas. :) However or wherever we are watching it, it's history int he making!! Enjoy it everyone.

At Fri Feb 3 13:43:19 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

Tessa: Could you bring your TV to your friend's house so you can have the best of both worlds? I know that might not be an option depending on your set up. A while back, some people on this board were talking about getting together a Kosta's. Maybe a bunch of us in the area could all meet up? Anyone interested?

At Fri Feb 3 23:38:00 2006, Tessa () wrote:

It's funny you mention the TV, because I JUST walked in from talking to my husband about it. He was trying to find a way to get it to our friends house and suprise everyone. So we're working on it, because it would DEFINATELY be better to watch it on a 52" Flat Screen. Those 32" screens are so small!! LOL I might be interested in going to Kosta's and try it out. Where is his restaurant anyways? Isn't it on Queen Anne or something? I might have to find a QFC and check out his food. We dont' have one anywhere int he area where I live, so I'll have to look around. :)

At Sat Feb 4 10:59:00 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

I hope the TV thing works out. :) Varlamos Pizza is near U Village. If you're on 45th, you'll pass U Village and the UW driving range and it's on the south side right before the road curves into Sand Point Way.

At Mon Feb 6 23:19:45 2006, Tessa () wrote:

Anyone interested, here's a petiotion going around to send to the NFL. http://new.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?nfl12006

At Tue Feb 7 11:14:45 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

It's joke games like SB XL that remind me of why I absolutely detest professional sports.

At Thu Feb 9 07:54:16 2006, Charles Cooper () wrote:

Thank you, for the petition. They are going to be talking about that game for a long time.

At Sun Mar 5 21:26:06 2006, Lisa Kisner (lisakisner@hotmail.com) wrote:

This posting is dedicated to the anonymous jackass who likes to read what everyone has to say then proceeds to put them down. You don't have the balls to say who you are, do you? I wonder what you're doing with your life right now that's so constructive that instead of sharing whatever you may be proud of in your life you have to sneer with envy while you read all of the good things that others have to say about themselves and then think up whatever pathetic things you have to say to try to make us all feel bad about ourselves. What a miserable existence you must be living. You can say whatever you want about me and you will never make me feel as miserable as you are. It really is a pity that you perceive that I am bragging when I talk about what I am doing or where I am living. We have all had tough things happen in our lives that you probably were never interested in knowing about us, not to mention you are too narrow-minded to understand. We all have the right to be proud of what we have now, whether it is a family of nine children, a job that we enjoy, or overcoming whatever obstacles have come our way. I am sure we have all earned some respect to have come as far as we have. The fact that we choose to share it with others on this posting, whether people choose to read it or not or respond or not, is a testament to the kind of open, considerate people we are. It shows maturity, which you have obviously not gained since highschool. I have read what you have to say through past postings, and it's mean. You have a shitty attitude and I am sorry for you. I expect a seething response from you now. But before you waste anymore of your own time writing more nasty, inconsiderate, thoughtless crap, why don't you show at least a fraction of backbone and put your name on your posting? Otherwise, we'll just call you the ghost and go on posting whatever the hell we want without paying attention to your insults. Oh, and get a life.

At Sun Mar 5 21:53:10 2006, Lisa Kisner (lisakisner@hotmail.com) wrote:

Wooh! Glad to get that out. It's been pissing me off to log on here and have to waste my time reading that junk. Anyway, on a lighter note, Charles is right. Although traumatic times can certainly mess one up, it has been nearly 16 years since highschool graduation. Time enough to either get over your issues, or face them. And facing them means facing them the proper way, like through therapy, not by saying mean things to people for revenge. The truth is kids are mean. I don't recall ever being mean to anyone in school. I had my own insecurities to deal with. But I turned out to be confident and comfortable in my own skin. That's the important thing for all of us. Jeaneen doesn't need to be concerned about how others perceive her. And Amy doesn't need to save the world. With all due respect to everyone, Jeaneen only need worry about how she feels about herself and about her health, as do all of us. And Amy only needs to be concerned with caring for the children that she has brought into the world, because the fact is she can't send them back now. And you, Anonymous, need to worry about getting over the issues that you have clearly not resolved from childhood. Maybe Everyone apologizing is part of the recouperative process. Now that I have cooled down, I too, am sorry that you were tormented in highschool. I myself would never do it over again if given the opportunity. But my best (unsolicited) advice is to deal with it now and quit alienating people before it destroys you and you become a bitter old person. If it comes to that, you will then be angry about the fact that Amy, a loving mother of nine (I forget the actual number of kids...) has a whole bunch of doting children to take care of her in her old age, while you have nobody.

At Mon Mar 6 15:47:36 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

Hey Lisa, how's the movie business? Fun, I hope. :)

At Tue Mar 14 09:52:54 2006, Tessa () wrote:

I have some news......I found out last Monday and got it confirmed yesturday by the Dr......I'm gonna be a Mommy!!! I'm 6 weeks tomorrow. I get an ultrasound next Wednesday and they'll determine closer how far along I really am.....but it's looking like a November baby. It only took me 11 days or so to get pregnant! How crazy is that? Anyhow, life is going good. I hope it's just as well for everyone else. Have a great day!!! Tessa

At Wed Mar 15 12:26:16 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

Tessa!!! Congratulations! I am so very happy for you and your husband. :)

At Sun Apr 2 22:45:04 2006, Jessica Schauberger (jschaube19@hotmail.com) wrote:

DAMN I just read all that stuff from 2005 and I about passed out! HOLY smokes. Yeah highschool was definately tough but life at ANY age is what you make of it. You can roll with the punches and jump up and fight with every ounce of your body or you can sit and mope or be like me and actually wind up doing both. LOL =0) I think I am a late bloomer. Was married in 1998, got a really good job in the computer industry and made damn good money, lost my mom to cancer in 2001, got divorced in 2003, lost the job 2004, cashed out the retirement fundage 2005, filed bankruptsy 2006 and now I am working in an ER part time living with my Aunt and Uncle since last Sept (I basically raised myself from the time I was 6 so THAT was an interesting experience moving in with grownups after living alone for 15+ years--god I miss the dishwasher)and finally going to college to do what???? I dunno. (5 qtrs ago till last qtr it was to be a nurse - only you have to make the 4.0 GRADES to be a nurse so I am at another crossroads --I suck at math--tomorrow I will be taking Math 99 for the THIRD fricking time) All of us have different paths so we can't really judge or compare each other's lives. You just do what you need to do. I am looking forward to our reunion and at the same time I am terrified because EVERYTHING that I thought I'd be doing at this time/age DEFINATELY isn't what is happening right now. We've all grown up - some of us have children that are 16ish - some of us have none. I'm watching my uncles and aunts get older and think about the future when my ass is going to be wiping THEIR ASSES or watching them deteriorate (sp). In a way, I am glad my ma passed so I can remember her in her 60's not 90, bedridden, and demented. I see my cousins who are younger than me starting their lives with marriage and kids and great careers and moving to different states and pray they won't become a statistic like me. I am even having deep conversation with them about college life and getting great suggestions from them. Shit one of them is even a VICE PREZ!! God I pray that they have good fulfilled lives. Where has time flown? I wish happiness, health, and peace for all of us. Was on myspace.com and am being contacted by people from my past this past month. What do you say when they ask you about your life? Do you say God it's been a good ride but at the moment it truly sucks ASS? Oh and there is question of do you want to make good money which possibly means that you will be working 50 million hours or do you want to do something which you love which may pay shit? Retirement: watching my aunts and uncles realizing that they haven't saved enough. ahhhh all these questions. take care.....

At Mon Jul 17 12:57:46 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

Well, since no one has posted for so long, I thought I'd try to get this party started again! :) Unfortunately, the thing that is demanding all of my attention is very sad: My father died last Monday. He'd been in congestive heart failure for a few years. We knew this could come at any time, but we also knew that he might live another few years. Besides, no matter how much you try to prepare, you never can be prepared for this kind of loss. It's still not quite real because he lived in Wisconsin, close to my older brother and his family. I still feel like I could pick up the phone and call Dad. It will probably feel more real after his service on the 29th. I hope everyone is well, healthy and happy. Best~Jeaneen

At Mon Jul 17 22:01:06 2006, norman () wrote:

Jeaneen,i'm sorry to hear about your dad.My prayers are with you. It has been a long time since ive been here.

At Tue Jul 18 16:39:09 2006, Tessa () wrote:

I'm sorry too, about your dad! I have bad news as well. I lost the baby. I heard the heartbeat at my April 19th appointment, but at my May 17th appointment we didn't hear it and the baby hadn't grown. They sent me to a specialist in Ultra sounds and they confirmed it. I was at 15 weeks and the baby was only at 12 weeks. The baby died about a week after my April appointment which is very sad, becasue david couldn't make it, so he never heard the heart beat. I went in for surgery on the 22nd of May, since I was further along. So, it was very sad. But, we were given the OK to start trying again and I'm HOPING that next week or so I'll get more good news. I'll keep you informed! But I hope everyone else is doing well. And if any of you use Mary Kay Cosmetics or know someone who does and is looking for a consultant, send them my way. I'm trying to bulid my customer base bigger than my family and friends, so I need all the help I can get! : ) So let me know!

At Thu Jul 20 12:03:03 2006, Jeaneen () wrote:

Thanks, Norman and Tessa. Your kind words bring comfort. Tessa, I am SO sorry about the baby. Wishing you all the best. ~Jeaneen

At Wed Aug 2 20:30:23 2006, jen engelke () wrote:

hi all...thought I would lend a post to say hello! sorry to hear about some your losses...hang in there. jess...i was excited to see your name and to hear what you have been up to...some ups and downs...only makes you stronger! not much has changed with me. my girls are 3 and 5 now...still married and living and working in the same place...though got a new job as a trainer...just turned 34 and the most exciting thing right now is we just waterproofed our basement and are planning a retaining wall in front of the house...so exciting... :) saw some of the girls..heidi koch is pregnant...having a girl soon. andrea burton just had another little boy named brody...ultra sound eluded to a girl but she was surprised when the baby came out and was a boy...on top of that it was born the exact same day as her first little boy 3 years later..what are the odds! saw angie harshaw and sandra b...both are doing great! hope all alum are doing well and are healthy! if others visit be sure to leave a post to give some updates!!! enjoy the rest of your summer!

At Mon Aug 28 15:58:29 2006, Tessa () wrote:

**Open House**

Comfort Inn
31622 Pacific Hwy. S.
Federal Way, WA. 98003

Saturday, September 30th 2006 11am 3pm

Come join us to meet local Home Party businesses. They offer great products for you and great parties just in time for the holiday season!! There will be refreshments, raffles, show discounts & booking incentives! So get some of your girlfriends together to come shopping!! All you guys out there, tell your wives, girlfriends, mothers, sisters and friends!! : )

Participating companies are - Mary Kay, Lia Sophia Jewelry, Sensaria, Two Sisters Gourmet, Pure Romance, Taste of Home, Creative Memories, Big Yellow Box, Tupperware, Everything in Order, Chic Pursenality, Gold Canyon Candles, Simply Fun, Home Interiors, Uppercase Living and more!!

Entries from 2005

At Sat Jan 1 03:25:48 2005, jessica schauberger (jschaube19@hotmail.com) wrote:

howdy folks! god i didn't even know this site was still going otherwise i would have posted on here a long time ago. so much is going on and now it's damn 2005!!!! just got back from a new years soiree at jay sakamoto's house and then was reminiscing about youth..... going to visit georgia (warren) laban tomorrow and check out my niece and nephew katie and jacob. well have a great 2005. talk to you all soon. can you believe that it's almost reunion 2010? damn times flies......

At Tue Jan 4 11:29:48 2005, Mark Branom (markb@stanford.edu) wrote:

Well, the site's been updated (finally). I've been a tad busy lately -- we're expecting a little girl in April! If you're bored, visit http://www.stanford.edu/people/markb/baby/ for Baby's First Website.

In sadder news, my dad's been diagnosed with stomach cancer and is going to be undergoing surgery on Thursday. Oh, well. Hope everyone else's holidays were a tad better.

At Tue Jan 4 17:00:13 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

Branom, I'm glad you finally announced you guys are expecting! :) I've been dying to congratulate you publically but didn't want to jump the gun. I am **so** sorry about your dad. You and your family are in my heart and I am sending you all my best thoughts.

At Thu Jan 6 17:14:31 2005, Charles Cooper (charliecooper@hotmail.com) wrote:

Jay, that dirty bastard. (hehe) Tell him I said 'Hi'... They are talking snow on the news. I hope it does snow... It seems a few of you are going to be really (or have been getting) busy... Be happy, drink hot chocolate...

At Thu Jan 6 18:21:34 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Mark, Congrats on the baby & I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I hope it all works out. And I hope it doesn't snow this weekend....I have a wedding expo to go to on Sunday! : )

At Fri Jan 14 20:06:10 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Jeaneen, can you email me Shannon's email again? I'd like to ask her about doing my wedding cake. You can email me at tessa_runny@yahoo.com. Thanks a bunch. Anyone else know any good wedding photographer's, DJ's, etc? Let me know! : )

At Tue Jan 18 15:39:26 2005, Michaela Hegamin () wrote:

Hi All -- just checking to see what's going on in people's lives. Amy, you're a hero. I thought one kid was tough!

At Thu Jan 20 16:06:34 2005, Martin Floe (mfloe@seattleschools.org) wrote:


Please Join Us!

The Board of the Ingraham High School Foundation wants to thank the supporters and encourage new members to join us in making a difference for IHS students. Come and join us, the members of the IHS Foundation, and learn about how you too can join in making a difference.

Find out how YOU can make a difference in 2005.

When: Thursday, January 27, 2005, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Where: Seattle Yacht Club, 1807 E. Hamlin

What: A fun “meet and greet” mixer to learn more about the IHS Foundation and how you can help! New science equipment, band uniforms, computers, team uniforms and athletic equipment reflect some of the items we have delivered to the high school. Make a difference today – join the Foundation!

RSVP: Call Dick Lee at 206 252-0476 or email him at rjlee@seattleschools.org

At Sat Jan 22 16:36:20 2005, jen engelke () wrote:

happy new year all. congrats tessa on your engagement. congrats to you mark as well on your upcoming baby. i am sorry to hear about your father. michaela...did you have a baby?? give the details...boy? girl? how old. :) jessica...if you see georgia again, please tell her i said hi! i am home with 2 sick kids this weekend...a nasty little bug is going around. icky cough with deep congestion. people...get out your zicam ;)
holidays were great over here...briefly caught up with sandra d, heidi, angie and heather g, bryce at a holiday soiree. i brought my kids and of course they were ready cranky and ready for bed 30 minutes after i got there...so...we did not get to visit as long as we would have liked. they are all doing good. hope you all are doing good...amy, don't know how you handle as many kids as you do...you must have the patience of a saint...i am finding that patience is something i could use a little more of :) take care!

At Fri Jan 28 14:43:53 2005, Tessa Spear () wrote:

I hope everyone's doing alright. Seems to have slowed down quite a bit on here, even with the few of us that were 'regulars'. : ) We've created a web page for our wedding! If you'd like, come read about our wedding details and sign our guest book.

guest password: yippie

Please take a look around our website. I will be doing the upkeep, so when there's new information, I'll let you know. Or, you can save the link and check it every once in a while and see what's new. hope you enjoy!

- Tessa & David

At Tue Feb 8 09:17:51 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

Hello everyone. I haven't been on lately because I haven't had much to report. Still don't but just wanted to say hi. The only thing really going on with me is that after nearly a year without a car I finally bought another one last night. Ah, the freedom. Goodbye Metro! WooHoo!

At Thu Feb 10 20:18:06 2005, Michaela () wrote:

Hi Jennifer -- My son, Cole, is 20 months. He's very 'spirited' and he makes me laugh every day!
It's so funny, the memories that pop into my head when I see people's names: Jen's was the first house I ever went to that had Softsoap, Jessica told me she learned to speak English when she was little by watching Sesame Street, and Georgia's house had a "no clowns" sticker on the front door (remember those? I think it had something to do with Jack in the Box). Anyway, I'm done reminiscing...I need to get a social life!

At Tue Mar 29 13:38:25 2005, Lisa Kisner (lisakisner@hotmail.com) wrote:

Hi Everyone. It has been a long time. Like everyone else, I get busy and then forget about the site until I am bored stiff at work and racking my brain for things to do online. I couldn´t believe when I read through since my last entry that it was before the end of last year. Yikes. Anyway, there´s not a lot going on here. Cabo is Cabo. In January I went to Rincon de Guayabitos, near Puerto Vallarta, to see my dad and his wife. I spent a week there and one of my step brothers, his wife and their son arrived the day before I left. I flew on a twelve passenger single engine airplane and wasn´t one bit pleased about it. My dad gave me two valiums for the trip back to Cabo. I didn´t take them because the flight back was easier than the flight there. I have them in safe keeping. It was the usual chilly weather here throughout the month of February. I searched high and low for a space heater with no luck. Mexicans don´t even know what a heater is. They think you are referring to a hot water heater. Then I finally figured out how to say the appropriate kind of heater in Spanish and realized very quickly that no one around here needs heaters. But the 50s is cold to me!!! Krista Barthold and Kelly McNeil are coming to Cabo for two weeks from Alaska on the 5th. I will be picking them up from the airport. Haven´t seen Krista in years! I don´t think she is Barthold anymore since they got married, but I´m not sure about that. They leave on the 20th and I will be one hour behind them. I am going to Los Angeles for a week to vacation and to have minor surgery. My friend Carla is going with me so we will have a great time. I am still working at Club Regina and living in the same house. I finally got the house wired for phone service, but Telmex has been out of phone lines for months, so who knows when I will have phone and Internet at home. Speaking of email, Jeaneen, I think sometime back you requested my email: lisakisner@hotmail.com. Smelly, I love and miss you. Call me, it´s toll free! 1-888-309-0440, extension 3004. Please sound business-like if someone answers. On the other hand, if no one answers, leave me a voice message. Jenny, I miss you too. Have you forgotten about me? The last time I tried to email you the message was returned to me. Drop me a line. I am going to try to call you tomorrow. Well Folks, got to go. Talk to y'all soon.

At Sat Apr 16 15:04:35 2005, Mark Branom () wrote:

Some life updates:

  • My dad's stomach cancer surgery went well, but there were still lingering cancer cells. First round of chemo was pretty awful -- he got such a bad reaction that he could hardly swallow. But he just finished his second round of chemo and radiation, with little discomfort (just a bout of exhaustion). So things seem to be on the upward side.
  • Yesterday I became a daddy! Kaitlyn Leigh was born at 4:19pm, April 15, 2005. 8 pounds, 1 ounce, 19 inches.

Hope everyone's doing OK!

At Sun Apr 17 11:22:23 2005, Charles Cooper () wrote:


At Mon Apr 18 22:31:20 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Congrats Mark! That's great news. The wedding planning is going good. Had to change it up quite a bit, due to in-laws changing their minds about funding...but that's another story! : ) But it's all good. we're gonna do it without them. We're getting married in a chapel and having the reception in our huge back yard, so it will be nice. August weather, pool open, stereo going.....it will be fun. You can check out the details here if you want. http://weddings.theknot.com/pwp/view/co_main.aspx?coupleid=3239801184671125 The password to get to page 2 is ' yippie '. Hope everyone is doing well.

At Tue Apr 19 18:24:57 2005, norman () wrote:

Congradulations Mark!!!!
I haven't been here for a while,but it looks like its the same few people. How has everybody been doing??? I've just been working 12 hour days in seattle,and getting irritated with the city inspectors!!!

At Wed May 4 16:45:49 2005, Kelly () wrote:

hey peeps - not much here either...can't remember the last time i wrote, but i know it was at least in the last 6 months...? anyhoo, Mark- congratulations - what a lovely little one you made, and I hope everything with your dad gets better...Leezma - I miss and love you too! Will call soon - Jen! We need to hang out! I want to be invited to that next holiday soiree! Tessa! way to go on the easy wedding. that's the best way. You'll have much more fun and be much happier and stress-free. Trust me...Everyone else! Take care! Summer's coming! Bring on the BBQ! xo

At Sat May 14 11:38:35 2005, CJ Christiansen (Ccjak@starband.net) wrote:

Hello all
Just wanted to let everyone know I am still around. I just found this web site, nice to see some familiar names. Hope everyone is well.

At Mon May 16 20:19:48 2005, Jessica Schauberger (jschaube19@hotmail.com) wrote:

Whaaaaaaa sup everyone! Finally got around to reading the site again. CONGRATULATIONS Mark! Michaela. You remember that part about Sesame Street? Amazing. Jennifer and Charles. Told Jay and Georgia that you guys had said hi.

Take Care folks.

At Mon May 16 20:22:16 2005, Jessica Schauberger (jschaube19@hotmail.com) wrote:

Oh BTW, how is your Dad doing now?

At Sat May 21 18:14:02 2005, Jill Wilkinson (tiramisu_30@yahoo.com) wrote:

Hello Everyone, It has been quite some time (a few years to be exact) I forgot about the website...life gets soooo busy! My family moved to Atlanta in February. We love it here so far. I work at a Dayspa & Salon as a Spa technician (massages, etc.) Jim is working as a sales rep for a Low Voltage/Alarm Company. He will be starting his own Low Voltage Company(smart home wiring)within the next year. Aundreya & Kelvin are doing alright with the move, but I guess it is kind of hard to move schools in the middle of the year.

Congrats on the baby Mark...she is very precious.
Congrats on the engagement Tessa.
Everyone else, Be Blessed!

At Thu May 26 18:54:00 2005, Adam (themightyant@hotmail.com) wrote:

Wow...it's been a while since I thought of High School but my daughter found my name on a google search and couldn't resist looking into it...

At Sat May 28 23:07:25 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Adam who? What's your last name?

At Sun May 29 19:20:27 2005, Adam (themightyant@hotmail.com) wrote:

Adam Niemeyer...some of you remember me I hope...It's been a long time but I've gotta say hi to those of you I remember...up to date I am still married to the same wonderful girl I was with in high school. 15 years in June. I've got three amazing kids...13 year old daughter - Taylor (I'm too young to have a 13 year old!!!)...9 year old daughter - Maddi and an almost 3 year old boy - Weston. Life has been good trip, as I am sure some of you would agree...Just thought it would be cool drop an update after my kid found the site...email is good if you wanna say hey...Best regards to all I knew...and those who knew me...

"No man is rich enough to buy back his past."
Oscar Wilde

At Fri Jun 10 17:55:27 2005, jen engelke () wrote:

helloooo! great to hear more of yous out there. adam, i remember you :) good to hear from you. lisa and kelly-i miss you too! lisa-i emailed you 2x's and did not hear back so i thought you were doggin me! :) how could i forget about you?? i will try you at your number. kelly--send the invites to the bbq's! all is well over here! we are finally getting over more colds! i think i talked about my sicky family the last time i visited. yikes! meg is almost 4 and kate is almost 2. they are doing great and having a wonderful time being sisters. dj starts a new job a t-mobile on monday...does anyone work there? if so, how is it there? i am hoping that this is it and it will be the 'perfect' job. i am still at nordstrom...fun time to be there-retail is a on a fun fashion cycle. jill- i hope you settle into your new home nicely and that the kids have a easy transition. i hope all is well with everyone! take care!

At Thu Jun 16 01:18:12 2005, Anonymous () wrote:

Amy Jackson has way too many kids for this day and, age.Six to be exact. Ever heard of birth control, Amy? Should have stopped at one or, two. Need a farm hand or, little league team, Amy? People probably look at you and, think that you seem crazy, two kids is plenty.Georgia Warren Laban is soo homely and, in high school she was not the nicest person, either. I am surprised someone actually married her. Must have been for something other then looks since her body and, personality are not all that,either. Her nose is big, I wonder if her husband gets wrapped in a nostril when he kisses her. Jessica Seeger is too nice to be good friends with Georgia. Georgia thought she was really somebody, smoking like a chimney. I feel sorry for the example she sets to her children. Victoria Lim and, Kevin Ross, go figure? Kevin, you are suppose to buy the cow before you get the milk. I heard all about they're wild escapades in high school. Kevin is not the best looking guy and, Victoria could use a makeover. No surprise they got married no one else would want either of them. Since, Kevin is a player.Janeen Granger, Jenny Craig called and, wanted you to set up an appointment A.S.A.P. Jill Wilkinson you were nice in high school but, the swearing makes you seem very unladylike.They're are nicer words even if you are an adult. What is Melissa Woodard doing in these pictures, it is not her class. I hope Dennis had enough sense not to marry her since, he can get a better looking woman. Alot of people think that "The Woodards" are not the best looking people.Chaney Bateham and, Karise Koffman having babies out of wedlock makes you look bad.

At Thu Jun 16 22:25:53 2005, anonymous () wrote:

Even though some of these people were not in your class. Just thought you may want to know that Lisa Mullholland died and, Michelle Koski died, also for anyone who remembers these two girls.

At Sat Jun 18 16:43:45 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Wow.....Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous sure had alot to say, didn't they? Bad or rude things about everyone else, but you don't have the balls to say who you are? Why? Cuz you don't want anyone listing crap about you? That seems a little cowardly, don't you think? I'm sure you'll think of something to say about me....if you know me....but your comments were pretty rude.........and for what? So you can feel cool?!?! Guess what? You only look like a moron....that's it. Next time if you're gonna talk crap, have the balls to say who you are...otherwise, stay the hell off the board!! To everyone else...hope all's going well with you. Summer is finally here and the wedding is 2 months away!! I'm getting excited. Talk to you soon, Tessa

At Sat Jun 18 16:51:27 2005, () wrote:

And High School was 15 years ago, why are you still holding grudges? And I think you should know stories of people before you talk crap. Chaney was married....did you bother to read her last name, dorkus? So get over whatever attitude you've got.......cuz we really don't care.........sounds like you don't have much of a life if you gotta go on webvoards and talk smack about people you went to school with 15+ years ago. So GROW UP and let us enjoy talking to people we want to talk to!

At Sat Jun 18 18:15:44 2005, Charles Cooper () wrote:

You know it. The posts seem like they are from someone who was doing the same thing about two years ago. What kind of loser wants to start drama just to get attention? Anyway,... I hope everyone enjoys the Summer weather.

At Thu Jun 23 03:01:48 2005, Lisa () wrote:

Tessa, It takes one to know one. You do not have any balls yourself.What makes you think these things were not true at the time? I remember the same gossip.By the way, you were also a unattractive person in high school. As I recall in high school you were easy and, had no real friends and, people felt sorry for you and, all the gossip you spread about other students.Who are you to judge someone elses when, you are not very grown up yourself. Who cares if Chaney is married. You certainly don't know how to stay married.You need to get a life and, get out of your small high school circle and, make some real friends. Just because people are polite to you now, does not mean that they liked you in high school.If they were your real friends they would have stayed in touch over the years. What do you expect to get out of this? These people don't give a rats behind about you and, neither do I. Don't make it sound like high school was all that when it really was not. Being hot headed over someone elses comments is not worth it. They have they're opinion and, you have yours.Just because someone tells it like it is or, was in high school then, that's the way it goes. People like you were not very nice so get a grip and, get over it. I agree that Kevin Ross, Georgia and the other students were not the best people to be around. There were much better influences like, Hillary Brown and, Lynnette Cook, Maurita Mader, Wendy Dickinson,Stacey Snider, Diane Cook and, Bree Davidson who were more straight-laced and proper. They made great friends if you were fortunate enough to know them.But, I guess when you are in high school you are more concerned about looking cool and, doing drugs and, alcohol and, smoking cigarette's thinking that your somebody then, and, look where this has got you, now. Drugs get you no where in life except down. I guess you learned that the hard way. I am glad that I did not give in to peer pressure since, it is not worth it. Your body is your temple. You just looked bad in school. Your high school days were nothing to write home about.

At Thu Jun 23 10:37:21 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Obviously you didn't know me very well in high school....otherwise you'd know I wasn't easy...I had 2 boyfriends the entire 4 years.....And I knew the people you talked about in your previous comments and yes, we all had our moments in high school, but we were 14 - 18 years old, what do you expect? And who really cares? It was 15+ years ago. You learn from your mistakes and I'm sure people (most people) have learned and changed. So you you go on and rant and rave about whatever you want....cuz you're really not worth anymore of my time. So enjoy your life......whatever it may be.

At Thu Jun 23 10:39:22 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Obviously you didn't know me very well in high school....otherwise you'd know I wasn't easy...I had 2 boyfriends the entire 4 years.....And I knew the people you talked about in your previous comments and yes, we all had our moments in high school, but we were 14 - 18 years old, what do you expect? And who really cares? It was 15+ years ago. You learn from your mistakes and I'm sure people (most people) have learned and changed. So you you go on and rant and rave about whatever you want....cuz you're really not worth anymore of my time. So enjoy your life......whatever it may be.

At Thu Jun 23 10:45:45 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Obviously you didn't know me very well in high school....otherwise you'd know I wasn't easy...I had 2 boyfriends the entire 4 years.....And I knew the people you talked about in your previous comments and yes, we all had our moments in high school, but we were 14 - 18 years old, what do you expect? And who really cares? It was 15+ years ago. You learn from your mistakes and I'm sure people (most people) have learned and changed. I don't know what you mean by 'people like you'.....I wansn't mean to people. I was nice to everyone I knew. And I haven't done drugs since junior year in high school, so you really don't know what you're talking about, with saying I learned the hard way that drugs get you nowhere. So you you go on and rant and rave about whatever you want....cuz you're really not worth anymore of my time. So enjoy your life......whatever it may be.

At Thu Jun 23 20:26:06 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Sorry about all the repeat posts guys...my computer glitched at work. : )~ Oops! So Janeen, how's the job going? I started back to work again 2 months ago after having 4 months off and boy was that a switch. It was nice not working. But it's also nice to have the income again...catch 22, you know? Mark, how's the baby doing? She's a little cutie. I'm sure she's got you wrapped around your little finger, huh? Amy....how's the hubby doing? Is he back yet? Lisa Kisner, how's Mexico? Weather getting a little warm now? Charles, what have you been up to lately? Well the wedding is 2 months away...starting to get a little stressed....still gotta do the caterer, photographer and the cake. I think we've decided on that one though. But we gotta get the yard in tip top shape. The reception is at our place, in the back tard with the pool, etc. So it needs to look nice. And with it being August, I'm sure the weather will be nice. So that's what I've been up to my knees with the last few months...and it will all be over in 1 day....how crazy is that? Anyways, gotta go make dinner...boring 'hosewife' stuff. : ) Have a good one!

At Fri Jun 24 05:56:49 2005, Charles Cooper () wrote:

Everyone, look in the posts for January of 2001. You will see the posts by that person are similar. Anyway,... I'm working at WatchGuard Technologies, troubleshooting corporate networks and moving up the corporate ladder at a decent pace. I'm saving for a home and I should have enough in a year or so. Still looking for the right woman, so I'm not getting married anytime soon. ;-) What do you consider the basis of a Wedding, Tessa? Do you consider it a ceremony for the Bride and Groom or for the Family and guests? I don't remember if you mentioned a Honeymoon somehwere. During the several discussions I've had with Elmer de la Cruz, I haven't asked him about his wedding. I've just been more surprised about him being married to Regina Ramos. The story of them meeting again after High School is funny, especially when it is narrated by Jay Sakamoto. :-)

At Fri Jun 24 11:03:19 2005, Tessa () wrote:

That's great the reconnected and got married. My dad got married 3 years ago to his high school sweetheart...after 30 years aprt. How cool is that? : ) The wedding thing is kind of complicated as far as who it's for. I think the wedding portion is for the bride and groom, but the reception is for everyone else to help celebrate. At least that's how I see it. The funny thing is, the reception is the most expensive portion and takes the most planning. The bride and grooms portion is pretty easy...go figure! :) I got married when I was 21 and had a very small ceremony in a little chapel....so this time, since it's my last time...I wanted to real thing. The church wedding, the big reception, etc. And it's been some work, but it will all be worth it that day. I can't wait!! : )

At Wed Jul 13 20:55:52 2005, Amy () wrote:

Wow! Isn't it nice to be remembered? ;) I haven't checked back here for a while... I guess there's good reason, huh? I just wanted to set the record straight with "anonymous"... I have nine kids now (three step), and they're great. My 12-year-old was reading your comments (about her and her siblings) and she had more choice names for you than I would dare type - and she'd sign her name to it. She has guts. She's also laughing with me about the whole thing... oh, and she noticed all your typo's too. What's funny is that people who are so angry don't make me mad, they make me laugh. And on behalf of anyone who may have actually been offended by your long-winded stupidity, you're an idiot... I actually really feel sorry for you. I can't imagine living with so much baggage to carry around. It's sad. I have great memories of many of the people you obviously don't like much. It's sad that you missed out on some of the better times that some of us actually had in high school. I don't know anyone who doesn't have any regrets, but why throw them in their faces (whether they're true or not)? Let's remember some of the good things...

At Tue Jul 19 07:09:49 2005, Amy () wrote:

Ok, this is really lame, but I actually feel really bad about calling Anonymous stupid and an idiot. So, I'm sorry.

At Wed Jul 27 12:27:20 2005, Tianyin Zhu (The Big T) (timzhu87@yahoo.com) wrote:

I am Tianyin Zhu from Ingraham High School class 2006.
IÂ’m working on a special project for the Ingraham High School Foundation. IÂ’m creating a list of former Ingraham High School ASB members from 1960 to present date. This list will allow the foundation to communicate directly with former ASB members.

Please review the list below (You can also see the list on the Internet by going here: http://www.seattleschools.org/schools/ingraham/students/asb_officers/ASB%20Pres%20&%20Vice.pdf) If you can recognize any former Ingraham High School President or Vice-President and you have their contact information, please assist us by providing it or tell me any ways to find out their contact information.

Thank you in advance for your response.

Tianyin Zhu

Year ASB President ASB Vice President
1960 Jim H. Duncan Ellis Adler
1961 Mike Owen Rod Molzahn
1962 Bill Huber Joe Parker
1963 Steve Tsukuno Craig Coopersti
1964 Gary Kenyon John Hastings
1965 Gary Goedecke Steve Lloyd
1966 John Urguhart Steve Cole
1967 Tom Hancock Dick Rule
1968 Hal Cook Dick Swanson
1969 Bruce Pantley Rick Albright
1970 Jon Palmason Rob Arnold
1971 Jerry Gallaher Mike Rider
1972 Bonita Corliss Pat Loke
1973 Mike Rohrbach Debbie Halle
1974 Jeff Nordlie Randy Carl
1975 Bill McQueen Al coar
Tim Ramey
1976 Pat Daily Cindi Sandborn
Anne Crosby Steve Mydynski
1977 Mark Morris Cheryl Alrick
Russ Coney Dan Murray
1978 Jenny Lyshol Betty Anderson
Sheila Mead Tracy Stratton
1979 Les Ponomarchuk Tim Morris
Thad Spratten Dean Carlson
1980 Mike Glover Joey Fernando
Tim Morris Mary Ackerman
1981 Kerri Bowman Annie Capestany
Sony Quinh Monica Medina
1982 Fred Capestany Eva Economou
1983 Harry Chriest Connie Chirstensen
1984 Andre Tiffany Julie Boles
1985 Andre Tiffany Carolyn Rivera
1986 Robin McLemore Melanie Smith
1987 Ben Nakamura Randy Parker
1988 Ian Blaine Amy Lawson
1989 Ben Dubois Amanda Bell
1990 Kristin Mackerchine Jo Nghe
1991 Naomi Binkley Rozelle Rivera
1992 Naomi Binkley Rozelle Rivera
1993 Julia Shin Donna Nott
1994 Donna Mascarinas Emiko Ryan
1995 Jon Koppenol Janet Shin
1996 Abe Gardner Margret Gorman
Caille Adams James Burchfield
1997 Princess Costes Cecille Herrera
1998 Leslie Trowbridge Dorothy Hammond
1999 Quang Dinh Allen Leng
2000 Leslie Watson Roxanne Amaral
2001 Deepeka Parashar Leif GregersonII
2002 Darrell Kelly Christine Aquino
2003 Xiao Wang Tanala Keyes
2004 Lynnette Kelly Kelly Rincon

At Wed Jul 27 12:29:01 2005, Tianyin Zhu ( The Big T) (timzhu87@yahoo.com) wrote:

I am Tianyin Zhu from Ingraham High School class 2006. I received your e-mail address from Ingram High School alumni website.
IÂ’m working on a special project for the Ingraham High School Foundation. IÂ’m creating a list of former Ingraham High School ASB members from 1960 to present date. This list will allow the foundation to communicate directly with former ASB members.

Please review the list below (You can also see the list on the Internet by going here: http://www.seattleschools.org/schools/ingraham/students/asb_officers/ASB%20Pres%20&%20Vice.pdf ) If you can recognize any former Ingraham High School President or Vice-President and you have their contact information, please assist us by providing it or tell me any ways to find out their contact information.

Thank you in advance for your response.

Tianyin Zhu

At Wed Jul 27 12:30:30 2005, Tianyin Zhu (The Big T) (timzhu87@yahoo.com) wrote:

I am Tianyin Zhu from Ingraham High School class 2006.IÂ’m working on a special project for the Ingraham High School Foundation. IÂ’m creating a list of former Ingraham High School ASB members from 1960 to present date. This list will allow the foundation to communicate directly with former ASB members.

Please review http://www.seattleschools.org/schools/ingraham/students/asb_officers/ASB%20Pres%20&%20Vice.pdf If you can recognize any former Ingraham High School President or Vice-President and you have their contact information, please assist us by providing it or tell me any ways to find out their contact information.

Thank you in advance for your response.

Tianyin Zhu

At Sat Jul 30 17:58:21 2005, Chaney (c_delynn@yahoo.com) wrote:

Wow, I haven't looked at this site for about a year. I thought I'd check in and see how everyone was doing. Congrats to Mark on the baby. Tessa, I can't wait to see you at your wedding. It sounds as though many of you are doing well for yourselves. I'm glad to hear that. As for me I work at an alternative high school. My son is now 7 and growing fast. Being a mom is great!! Mark, you will def. enjoy being a daddy.

At Sun Jul 31 20:24:55 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Chaney....good to see you on here. And I can't wait to see you in 20 days!! Yippie!! : ) As for everyone else, I hope you're doing alright. Life's going good....for me so I hope it is for you, too. : )

At Tue Aug 2 11:04:37 2005, IHSstudents () wrote:

just want wish the best luck to all the Ingraham High School Students. Good Luck

At Wed Aug 31 02:20:59 2005, Lisa Kisner (lisakisner@hotmail.com) wrote:

Hi Everyone! Yes, I am still here. I couldn't post a message the last time I tried to...damn Mexico. I recall at the time being totally annnoyed with the anonymous emailer who seemed to be bashing people. Very highschoolish behavior which I though we were all above by now. Oh well. Anyway, I have returned to the States. It was a very long drive from Baja California Sur. I am currently in Shoreline, but will be leaving on the 7th for New York. Don't ask me what I am up to...I think I am still trying to figure it out. I had a chance to visit my good friend Jen. Her children are beautiful. I called Kelly Rudhe and left her a message, but she has not returned my call...KELLY! After 3 1/2 years I have fell out of touch with many people and now I have a whole bunch of bad phone numbers. What a bummer. At least I have the Internet now. Well, I suppose I will go to bed now as it is 2:17am. I hope everyone is well.

At Wed Aug 31 02:21:04 2005, Lisa Kisner (lisakisner@hotmail.com) wrote:

Hi Everyone! Yes, I am still here. I couldn't post a message the last time I tried to...damn Mexico. I recall at the time being totally annnoyed with the anonymous emailer who seemed to be bashing people. Very highschoolish behavior which I though we were all above by now. Oh well. Anyway, I have returned to the States. It was a very long drive from Baja California Sur. I am currently in Shoreline, but will be leaving on the 7th for New York. Don't ask me what I am up to...I think I am still trying to figure it out. I had a chance to visit my good friend Jen. Her children are beautiful. I called Kelly Rudhe and left her a message, but she has not returned my call...KELLY! After 3 1/2 years I have fell out of touch with many people and now I have a whole bunch of bad phone numbers. What a bummer. At least I have the Internet now. Well, I suppose I will go to bed now as it is 2:17am. I hope everyone is well.

At Thu Sep 8 05:38:16 2005, Charles Cooper () wrote:

Summer is almost over, Everyone. I hope all of you had fun. I've been extremely busy. I went from a 36-size waist to a 34-size waist, from all of the usual Summer activities. I decided to go to Lake Tahoe at the end of the month. That should be fun.

At Sun Sep 11 20:28:53 2005, Brent Suzuki (bsuzuki@kiri.toin.ac.jp) wrote:

What a flashback! I haven't seen this website for a very long time! I was looking at some football scores for Ingraham this past weekend just curious to see how they did. Looks like they are off to great start! compared to the last 10years or so...
Anyway, I didn't have time to read everyones comments recently, but just a few notes about me...
I got married a few years ago to a Japanese national, we both live in Japan for the time being. No kids yet, haven't bought a house, but it looks like that is the next thing on the shopping list. I've been here in Japan since I graduated from WWU, been teaching English... now I'm working at a Junior/Senior high school for the past 3 years, getting my Masters Degree in TEFL/TESL, hoping to finish my dissertation next September (2006). Besides that just been riding my bicycle everywhere, managed to do 1700km over my summer break (one of the best things about being a teacher, even though my summer break is only 7weeks long!)
Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well!

At Wed Sep 21 16:31:57 2005, Carrie Stein, Ingraham Music Boosters (stein.carrie@gmail.com) wrote:

Would you like to re-live the experience of playing with the Mighty Ram Band? Join the newly energized Ram Band at the homecoming football game on Friday, October 14 at 4:00 as Ingraham battles arch rival Nathan Hale. Contact Robin at suebeetoyou2@comcast.net if you would like to join us, or want to be notified of other Ram Band events.

At Thu Sep 22 00:32:24 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I've been on this site! I have to admit, those anonymous posts really got to me. So "Anonymous", you succeeded. You win. Congratulations, I'm seething with anger and I'm hurt. Except, the thing is, even though high school and the people who went there were far from perfect, I have gained so much clarity and truly respect the experiences I had, and I truly respect the people on this board, no matter what mistakes they may or may not have made. The thought of anyone carrying around that much hatred and resentment is truly heartbreaking. My anger and hurt won't last, but my guess is your misery will. How sad for you. Clearly you need people holding you kindly in their hearts and thoughts. So "Anonymous", I truly wish the best for you.

At Fri Oct 21 19:06:47 2005, Lisa Kisner (lisakisner@hotmail.com) wrote:

Wow! I am the first posting for the month of October??? And October is almost over!!! Well, I am here in New Jersey...right across from Manhattan. I hope to move into the city soon. It sucks over here on the other side. I am working on an independent film right now, starring Harvey Keitel and Emanuelle Beart. I am assisting the wardrobe department...something new...and it has been fun. I met my mentor and hopefully will be moving out of PAing soon. I've been logging more miles each day on foot than I think I did in 3 1/2 years of living in Mexico! To be perfectly honest, this month bit it for me. I had to put away my loving, devoted red Aby Meesha on Tuesday morning...he had kidney failure. It's hard to believe one can become so attached to a pet, but he really was special to me. I still tear up when I think about him. The New York area also experienced an unusually rainy week, thanks to a nasty system that parked itself over the state of New Jersey. Now it's dry for the most part, but just plain cold. Yuck. I don't know if they're moments of clarity or of moments of delusion, but I have wondered once or twice what the heck I am doing here. Then I say to myself, "Movies, Lisa. Movies" and get on with it. Anyway, I am sure I will be much happier in the spring...presumably that is when it warms up again here...? What's everyone else up to?

At Fri Oct 21 19:06:50 2005, Lisa Kisner (lisakisner@hotmail.com) wrote:

Wow! I am the first posting for the month of October??? And October is almost over!!! Well, I am here in New Jersey...right across from Manhattan. I hope to move into the city soon. It sucks over here on the other side. I am working on an independent film right now, starring Harvey Keitel and Emanuelle Beart. I am assisting the wardrobe department...something new...and it has been fun. I met my mentor and hopefully will be moving out of PAing soon. I've been logging more miles each day on foot than I think I did in 3 1/2 years of living in Mexico! To be perfectly honest, this month bit it for me. I had to put away my loving, devoted red Aby Meesha on Tuesday morning...he had kidney failure. It's hard to believe one can become so attached to a pet, but he really was special to me. I still tear up when I think about him. The New York area also experienced an unusually rainy week, thanks to a nasty system that parked itself over the state of New Jersey. Now it's dry for the most part, but just plain cold. Yuck. I don't know if they're moments of clarity or of moments of delusion, but I have wondered once or twice what the heck I am doing here. Then I say to myself, "Movies, Lisa. Movies" and get on with it. Anyway, I am sure I will be much happier in the spring...presumably that is when it warms up again here...? What's everyone else up to?

At Fri Nov 4 00:45:38 2005, Lisa () wrote:

Tessa, you were not nice to everyone!I did not like you! No one is scared of you so, you can chill and, get the stick out of your backside.No ones interested!Did you have a sex change since, high school? You sure talk alot about "balls". Do you have them? Has your guy seen these? I feel sorry for anyone who would marry an ugly girl like you in personality and, looks.You were homely in high school. The two boyfriends you had must have been desperate for love.It takes a moron to know one, Tessa. You did take drugs so, that would make you a moron.I did know you. You just do not remember how you were then.You obviously cannot control yourself, grow up!

At Fri Nov 4 01:29:31 2005, () wrote:

Lisa Kisner you sure brag alot! You think you are all that!You can stop telling us your life story. Who wants to hear about people they do not know. People remember what they remember about high school whether it sounds bad now or, not. So, get over yourself and, move on.
Amy, you have too many children, whether they are step children or, your own. Why not consider birth control? How many do you need? Why do you feel you are that great, you need to populate the world.Use your head, not your hole! I could care less about whether you or, your children read this. You are a typo! Get into reality,you are not being very unintelligent, you are only a housewife. You need to contribute financially to help your man out. What if he has bad luck in the future or, has no work? You need to think about reality, here. You seem to be living in your own world.Get your head out and, think about basic needs that you cannot afford unless you have two incomes.In this day and, age having a large family is nuts. Most people only have one or, two kids so, get with the times.That is a more sensible choice they're are enough people as it is in this world.Where are your kids going to live when they are adults? There is not enough housing available when they keep bringing foreign immigrants in the country. The only one who is stupid is you, not the person who is making you aware of your mistakes, too many children.. If you cannot see how ridiculous you are for thinking it would be so great to have so many children. Maybe you need to see a shrink to wake you up to reality.
Janeen, living in denial about your weight is only hurting you.You need to think about health issues and, how you look to the general public.People in your family tend to be on the large side so, find a weight loss plan that is right for you and, exercise more. You are more at risk for cancer, high blood pressure, heartattack,high cholesterol. etc.You do not need to defend people and, make excuses for them.If you do not want to hear how someone really feels about you or, see's you then, do not sign or, view the guestbook.

At Fri Nov 4 02:20:57 2005, () wrote:

Amy, you sure are one to talk about,errors. Who died and, made you perfect? I am sure you have made plenty of mistakes. Like, ooops, I'm pregnant again! You are not all that, like you think you are and, your children do not need to be raised with swollen heads like they are above everyone.You sound really, too much into yourself, by having so many children, this is selfish. I feel sorry for your children. I am sure people laugh at you just the same or, think you are crazy for having too many children.Even though they do not just say it to your face. If you don't like honesty, then be more responsible and, tell yourself you have plenty of responsibility, financially and, you do not need any more children. Having more then, two is not brave, it is ridiculous.Use some common sense.I am sorry for you. You are so out of touch with reality. It must be those postpartum hormones.They have things to help the imbalance.You need something, I do not know anyone that thinks that a family with too many children is great. Your husband should consider a vasectomy. Or, wear condom's. I am sure you have heard of these.I just find your over-population of children a very, unintelligent choice.Makes you look cheap, like, you can't get enough. Learn to control your urges, alittle more, Amy!

At Fri Nov 4 03:54:55 2005, Lisa () wrote:

Tessa, saw your website. Your eyes are still close together! You do not look much different. You are not at all pretty.I really loathe your story, divorced parents, scrapbooking,as a career! What a strange profession. Do you want people to feel sorry for you? A real Hallmark Hall of Fame, moment, Eagle Hardware (where you met)special presentation.....Tessa & David Naber, August 2005. Why did you not just say, no, for old time sake and, keep on saying it every time! "Just say, no" Don't worry, Tessa he will see your true colors and, split! Let's give it a year. Well, lots of bad luck to you and, (up) yours this holiday season.

At Fri Nov 4 18:01:32 2005, () wrote:

Janeen, stop being so overly sensitive about your weight. You should realize it is a problem by now. Do you even care about your appearance? You were heavy in school, too. Why would you want to live like this your entire life? Don't make excuses,you can control how you eat and, what you eat, you are a adult.So, learn to be alittle stronger and, less sensitive especially about the weight, living in denial and, acting like being over weight is o.k. or, that you just accept it is not how you deal with weight issues. Your heart has to pump twice as hard.Do you not care about what you are doing to yourself? You also risk, diabetes. I know diabetics and, you would not wish this on your worst enemy.You are wrong about hatred. Getting you to focus on your weight, has nothing to do with hatred it is just making you aware that other people who have known you, would like to see you, without all the weight, for once. Is this too much to ask? Have you viewed the reunion pictures? Why does your family not take pride in they're appearance? I know that Jimmy likes his skittles but, you need to eat more fruits and, vegetables, instead. Did your parents teach you how to eat right? It is important for your health.Other classmates are probably just as concerned about you, Janeen but, have just not said anything because, they knew you would take it to heart.Yes, I can be outspoken but, it is out of concern.I am sorry for you. People talk and, I think you have the right to know that they comment about your weight.

At Fri Nov 4 20:43:01 2005, Jill Wilkinson (doublecovenant) wrote:

At Fri Nov 4 20:50:49 2005, Jill Wilkinson (doublecovenant@excite.com) wrote:

Lisa - This is Jill(Washington)Wilkinson, I want you to take
a look at the last few entries you have made in the guest book. I have a prayer ministry and I would love to pray for you. it seems like you are going through a tough time right now. I would like to help and here is my phone number 770-597-5244. Please feel free to call. If you decide not to call, I just pray that the LORD gives you peace that surpasses all understanding.

At Fri Nov 4 21:42:04 2005, Tessa () wrote:

So Lisa, you THINK you know who we all are....but you're worng. You don't know anything about us. If you're so certain, why don't you tell us who you are? Like you're last name. Then amybe we can remeber you. Lisa doesn't tell us JACK! And you can go on about whatever you want.....You're the one we're all feeling sorry for, as it's VERY clear you have MAJOR issues. Low self esteem is what usually causes people to lash out and 'make fun of' or 'tease' other people. So after reading your posts, your self esteem is obviously at ground level. They have counseling to help with that...maybe it would help you be a happier person. Have a good day!

At Tue Nov 8 02:22:52 2005, Lisa () wrote:

Tessa, just because, I do not like you does not mean I have low self esteem, it takes one to know one. I am fine with myself, I just think I have just as much right to have an opinion as the next person.I am happy with my life, thanks.I went to this school I definately, know Jack, about the people. I will tell people what I really think no matter what it may sound like.Amy does have too many kids,Duh! Janeen is heavy,Duh!You think you are better then other people and, it really irritates me how you act so goody, goody. Just because, your ugly it does not mean you have to take it out on me.I think you could benefit from therapy since, it takes one to know one.You are not Miss perfect.I do not need to tell people my last name if, I don't want to, whats it to you? Feel sorry for your own sorry self!
Jill, I thank you but,I have never done anything too bad that I need prayers for.I just have an opinion is all.I am just more blunt then most people. I was tired of people arguing with me about my opinion.Everyone says things and, no one is better then anyone else.Even though some of these goody, goody people think they are really something. People say what they want regardless of what other people think. Life is rough, Jill. Some of the alumni here have had a rough life since, high school.Sometimes other people need to realize that I am not the only one who feels this way about these people. My family thinks, Amy is crazy in this day and, age to have six children. Not everyone is going to agree that it is okay to have a large family.Janeen, needs to lose the weight. It is unhealthy to be heavy it is a fact. You would think her family would care enough to talk to her. People from school think she looks bad being so heavy. they talk. Things that I say are no different then, anyone else. If, I remember, correctly, I think you wrote a swear word or, two. I do not usually talk like that myself. I think that is not appropriate unless someone has said something to me like, Tessa for instance. I do not like her. She acted like a snob and, I know other people who think so.

At Tue Nov 8 02:42:35 2005, Lisa () wrote:

The man upstairs has nothing to do with how I feel. Why don't you pray for yourself. I am already, good with god, thanks.He has already intervened a few times in my life, thanks.People, talk, tease. (This is a fact) Just get over it.You are no better then anyone else and, god cannot change my opinion or, how I feel about these people.People are who they are.I am sorry that I did not like, these people but, we have nothing in common and, I have no interest in being they're friends.

At Tue Nov 8 10:36:41 2005, Tessa () wrote:

This will be my last reply to 'Lisa', if you're name is even Lisa at all. For all we know, since you won't bother telling us who you are, to even know if we knew you, you could be a guy! The only one sounding goody goody is you.....picking on everyone else, when we can't even defend ourselves since you keep yourself secret. Do you see any of us doing that to anyone else? No! You're the only one picking people apart. We are who we are.....and some of us are ok with people being who they are. Whether it's heavy, having alot of kids, etc. It doesn't make them bad people. It's what they've chosen or been given and they go with it. If you don't like anyone here, than quite coming to the site and spitting your venom. We were enjoying ourselves and are updates with life before you came along. You stir stuff up and don't bother to let your 'real self' be known. That's playing dirty and I've had enough of it. Like I've said many times.....we graduated 15 years ago.....at some point you have to let go of whatever it was that happened to you or didn't happen to you bakc then. We were kids trying to fit in.....move on to better things and leave everyone else alone. I'm not perfect, and I've never claimed to be perfect and I don't act like I'm perfect. And I don't think I act goody goody. Because I stand up for myself and everyone else by telling you you're full of crap, that's being goody goody? Everyone makes mistakes...I'm sure you've made plenty. We learn and grow from them. That's life. You act like I did something to you personally to make you hate me....and I don't know what it is. I wasn't a bad person than and I'm not now. Sure, tehre are people I didn't know or people I wasn't friends with...but there were like 3000 kids in our school. But again, since you won't reveal yourself, I guess we'll never know. So, since this is the last response you'll get from me about al this, I hope you have a nice life, doing whatever it is that you do, outside of chastising everyone who didn't like you or didn't know you in high school. I hope you finally find some peace with situations that are 15+ years old.

At Thu Nov 10 10:32:58 2005, Charles Cooper () wrote:

Maybe the loser finally cracked and developed a split personality. I took him how long to type that all out? What a wasted life. He's probably a chronic masturbator. - Hey, Mark. If you have full adminstrative access, you can find what IP the person is coming from and use VisualRoute to trace it to the general location. If not telling you what neighborhood the person is coming from, it will at least tell you what city.

At Thu Nov 10 13:40:15 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

Hmmm... Sounds like this anonymous troll actually knew me and my family a little bit. I'm no longer angry, I'm with Amy on this one now: I find it funny and feel sad for the person who feels the need to attack. You can't know me that well if you actually think you're enlightening me. Gee, people talk about my weight? Uh. Duh. I never knew that before you came along. I never knew I was being judged about my appearance. I never knew I was at higher risks for medical problems. Thank you, God, that you have sent this troll to enlighten me. Where would I be without you! Oh, yes, and thank you, God, that this troll is criticizing me, because *that* is just the thing someone needs to hear when faced with a challenge. It is so helpful and useful. It's something I can really apply to my life to turn things around. I actually think I might know who you are. Just keep talking and help me confirm my theory about your identity. Did we ride the bus together to Northgate Elementary? Were we in Girl Scouts together? If you are who I think you are, get over it. You always were really whiney.

At Fri Nov 11 11:44:36 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

Lisa, congratulations on the indie film! That is so exciting. Is it something you've always wanted to do? I, myself, just got picked-up for a new local sitcom (as a writer). It will be indie TV, starting on cable access and web cast. It's going to be set here in Seattle (as the director said, "The *real* Seattle, not the 'Frasier' Seattle."). I also just got hired with a foundation to assist in Communications. What I am so thrilled about is getting to do the things I love the most. :) It feels so good. Maybe you (Lisa) and I will end up working on a project or film together in the future? ;)

At Fri Nov 11 12:45:20 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Jeaneen, that's cool about being picked up as a writer. I would love to hear what show it is for. And what channel it will be on, so I can see if I get it or not. Would be very interesting....i could say "I went to school with oneof the writers". Hee Hee. That's way cool. Congrats. I'm jealous of Lisa working with all these celebrities. Brad Pitt on Troy....I mean.....was he HOT in that movie, or what? : ) What a life!! Lots of work, I'm sure...but well worth the benefits. I'm wating to see her name on the big screen inthe credits. Do the put the PA name in the credits, do you know? : ) Anyways, not much changed here. Getting used to my last name, finally....I still catch myself trying to write my maiden name.....I'm sure it will get easier. But married life is good....pretty much the same as the last 6 years, since that's how long we've been together. It's weird to here the words 'husband' and 'wife' used in introductions as such. Gets you kind of giddy. : )So we're now working on the bills and are REALLY serious about getting a house in the next 6 months. We've talked about it for a while, but stuff comes up (like paying for a wedding) that makes the bills get higher...so we haven't paid them down as quick as we'd like. Once we got the house, we'll start working on the baby situation....my biological clock is starting to tick in my ear! : ) Well, I hope you all are doing well. Goo to see some of us are still checking in. Have a good Thanksgiving, if you don't get on again before that!!

At Fri Nov 11 15:57:48 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

Hi Tessa. Once I know what we're naming the sitcom and what channel(s) it will be on, I'll definitely post back here. I'll be posting all *kinds* of shameless plugs for it! ;) As far as Lisa being listed in the credits, I'm not up on all of this (though I imagine I soon will be), but I don't see why she wouldn't be. They list celeb's personal assistants, etc. so I would think they'd list a PA.

At Thu Nov 17 11:59:34 2005, norman (dakota98038@msn.com) wrote:

Wow it has been a long time since i've been on this site!! Tessa i hope your marrage is going well,congragulation jeaneen! It seems like there is only about 6 of us that signs the guestbook,where is the rest of our class??? Well I hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving!!!

At Tue Nov 22 12:18:20 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

Thanks, Norman. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

At Thu Nov 24 21:30:13 2005, Tessa () wrote:

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Mine was fabulous. Mine & my husbands first one as a married couple and it was great. Slept in late, layed around, went to dinner and curled up to watcha movie. Very different, but nice. His mom is in Korea on work, so we had our traditional one a couple weekends ago. But I did have Pumpkin Pie at dinner to make it seem more like the holiday!! But I hope everyone was with loved ones today, and that you have much to be thankful for!!

At Sat Nov 26 09:14:57 2005, norman (dakota98038@yahoo.com) wrote:

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!! Mine would have been better if my truck hadn't been stolen the night before,now I get to go searching for another car, atleast i had all my xmas shopping 90% done.

At Sat Nov 26 15:53:49 2005, Tessa () wrote:

I'm sorry to hear about your truck being stolen. That sucks!! I hope they find it soon for you. And in good shape. : ) David had his car stolen about 5 yeas ago and wasn't so lucky, so I'm wishing you the best!

At Sun Nov 27 19:47:42 2005, norman (dakota98038@msn.com) wrote:

Thanks Tessa!! I haven't heard anything as of yet, but i do know that my system will be gone! Over $2000.00 worth of equipment, and no insurance.Thats what sucks.

At Thu Dec 1 05:53:24 2005, Lisa () wrote:

Charles Cooper let anonymous be anonymous and, have they're privacy if they want to. Live and, let live.They are not doing anything to you. If, someone does not want to reveal they're identity they have that right, especially, on the internet, for privacy.There are reasons for this. If they wanted you to know them, they would tell you they're name or, where they live, respect peoples privacy, let it go. Just like on chat when you do not tell people your real name. This is a free country, people have the right to express themselves, freely. They also have the right to defend themselves and, have an opinion, just like you, in this guestbook.It does not need to go futher then, this guestbook.Entries can be deleted.Other people in this guestbook/chat are doing the same thing so, what is the difference. There are not anymore messages from anonymous so, let them have they're privacy and, forget about it, move on. This guestbook is no different then, chat.You do not need to be a troublemaker.People have the right to they're privacy just like, you.This is obviously a different anonymous. You do not have to constantly, relive your experiences with the first anonymous, person.So, they were anonymous and, wrote things, so what. People have the right to write something anonymously if, they choose to.Maybe, this guestbook should be closed and, have no more communication among students if, people are not allowed to have an opinion.What makes it any better that you can come on and, say things to feed the fire. You say anything you want on here so, why is this any different for anyone else? No wonder people did not like you. You do not have to bother, Mark just because you like, causing problems among students. You are not any better, yourself.So what if someone wants to be anonymous, let them. I am sure worse things have happened to you in your life. Let anonymous have they're opinion. Everyone else seems to have they're own opinion so it is no different.Bothering people outside this guestbook is called being a troublemaker.It does not pay to cause problems for no reason to someone you do not know. If, you do not like the entries then, stop coming back and, posting your opinion.This is a guestbook with no rules on what you can or, can't post. I don't see anything that says that you can't post an opinion or, write about things from school. I think Jill should pray for you.

At Thu Dec 1 12:12:49 2005, Tessa () wrote:

HAPPY DECEMBER 1ST everybody! Can you believe 2005 is almost over? The older you get the shorter the years seem to be. And it's snowing for the holidays.....pretty cool....if you don't have to be in it. I'd rather be at home, where I can enjoy it....instead of driving to work or something. Anyways, be careful out there with the snow and ice. Norm, any news about your car yet? With the snow, I hope you got something to drive. The snow would make traveling by bus a real bitch! :) Enjoy the snow!!

At Thu Dec 1 12:28:44 2005, Norman () wrote:

Finally its starting to snow!! Only 24 more days till Christmas,thank god all my shopping is done,now the fun part ....wrapping everything! Tessa did you know a David Severance??? He would have been there the second have of freshman year,and the begining of sophmore year. Yes, the police contacted me last night,my truck was stripped. The wheels,stereo system,the cold air intake,the front seats,my tools,all gone!!

At Thu Dec 1 13:47:02 2005, Tessa () wrote:

I'm not sure if I knew him. The last names of some people I don't remember. I'd probably remember him from a picture though. Was he in the yearbook Sophmore year? Is there big news about him? I'm sorry to hear about your truck. It's pretty much what happened to David's car. It really sucks. You feel violated, don't you? Do they have any leads as to who it may be?

At Thu Dec 1 17:21:31 2005, norman () wrote:

They don't have any leads as of yet.Well i found him on a website, it turns out he is a Hip Hop producer in seattle.

At Thu Dec 1 18:17:36 2005, () wrote:

I would like to clear something up with the people on this guestbook. Anonymous was treated horribly by some of the students at school and, you can say that it was a long time ago.But, sometimes what people do to you can effect you. Whether or, not that was or, was not they're intention.But, if, janeen and, her friends were trolls to this person in school and, laughed at this person and, made them, uncomfortable to even walk by them in the hallway. You would defend, yourself and, not want people to get away with hurting you.Tessa was not much better to this person or, Amy. Maybe, if, you were treated cruelly by other students you would probably say, hurtful, sarcastic comments, also.anonymous did not ride the bus with you,Janeen nor, was this person in your girl scouts so, you are wrong.Anonymous was someone that you were not nice to.If, you were treated like this, then maybe, you would understand what it might have been like in school for this person. So, maybe, this is a result of something you did to someone at one time.This is why this is being wrote. So, that other's will know why things were written about some of the people in this guestbook. I am sure you can understand this. So, you will have to forgive this person if, they offended you but, you obviously, did something that also may have offended them.No one would have said anything about you if, you did not do something to them in the first place.So, just let it go and, go on your way.

At Thu Dec 1 19:04:20 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Well, we don't know who you are either....but 'anonymous' doesn't know me very well since some of the things they said were very wrong. I had 2 serious boyfrineds in high school, which last I checked, was not being easy. And all of us this person bitched about ran in different circles in school and were really only acquaintances from classes togeher....so how ALL of us offended this person, I'm not really sure. I had alot of friends in high school, in all different 'clicks'.....quite a few I still talk to....so how I was not a nice person, I don't know. I wasn't raised that wayand I pride myself on that.....I may not have been friends with everyone, but I was not mean to people....and if I WAS, then I'd like to know who they are, EXACTLY, and what I ever did to them that was mean. Until then, don't make accusations, unless you're willing to be open up and show who you are and show some proof. I'm certain I never said things to ANYONE I ever knew like this anonymous or Lisa has said to and about people on here. This board isn't for that. This board is for classmates who want to keep in touch with others. For people who were at the reunion and reconnected with people they lost contact with. To stay connected for major news about each others lives and upcoming events. True, there were no RULES posted, but it's pretty much common sense....it's to keep in touch, it's not meant to be a BITCH BOARD. We have all been on here for years keeping in touch, so it's not us that should really have to leave, but I'm sure there are some who haven't come on for a while, because of what Lisa or whoever it is has said. And that's sad.....because really, we were here first, doing just fine. So, if this person was hurt that bad in high schoool by whoever, then I hope they feel much better by all the crap they said about people in return. You're not the bigger person if you stoop as low if not lower than the people that may have hurt you. It's being the bigger, better person that's the best revenge. So hopefully they've gotten it out of their system. So, whoever you are defending anonymous / Lisa, you're really no better.....hiding yourself. As I've said before, no one can defend themselves or what they may have done if they have no idea who the person is they did it to. So I'll say to you like I did to Lisa....I won't be bother to respond to you again either....I've said my peace and have better things to do. I just hope you all find some peace with yourselves and with life in general. Life's WAY too short!

At Thu Dec 1 19:07:35 2005, Tessa () wrote:

Norm, the website....can I type in his name to get to it? Will it shouw me a picture of him? I'll like to see what he looks like to see if I recognize him? How did you find out about him? It's interesting to hear what people do for work, you know? Jeremy was the Mariner's chef for a while...not sure if he still is....David Beeman works for Microsft....Kristen is a cop.....it's crazy! I'd love to see a list of everyone in the classes careers....I'm sure it would be pretty diverse.

At Fri Dec 2 05:59:06 2005, Amy (amyjo72@msn.com) wrote:

Anonymous, I think you are right about some of what you wrote last. Junior high and high school can be a really cruel time. Kids can be exceptionally mean to their peers. Very few of us had the maturity that I hope we've gained over the last 15 years. Yes, I hate to admit it, but I can think of a few kids that I would laugh at back then. I think the point people here are trying to make is that they are no longer exactly who they were back then... I know I'm not. It doesn't seem fair that people who tease or bully someone else can "get over it" and go on their way but the people who are teased or bullied have much more healing to do. To be honest, I have thought many times over the last years about the people who I used to laugh at or avoid. Honestly, in retrospect, some of them would have been great friends to have and there was really no reason not to be... except I was young and still trying to figure out exactly who I was myself. I have mixed feelings about that period of time myself. In one way, it was one of the best times... no mortgage worries, bills, nothing to really be responsible for. But in another it was one of the worst. There are a few people who I couldn't stand in high school because of some things that they did to me or my friends, things that affected me for years. But I have to give them the benefit now, knowing that a lot can happen in 15 years and most likely they would not do it now. Given that, it's nice to think about the fun times I did have back then and the good friends I had. So, Anonymous, for what it's worth, I'm sorry that I did things to you back then that made you feel hurt or uncomfortable. Heaven knows it'a hard enough time of life to go through without being made to feel like that. Can you give some of us the benefit that we are better people now then we were? You might even be surprised... you might just have more friends here than you think.

At Sat Dec 3 02:55:17 2005, () wrote:

Thank you Amy.You seem really sweet.I actually have tears coming to my eyes. I am sorry if, I said anything that may have offended you. Thank you for admitting that you or, your friends may have laughed at me. I was glad to know that someone actually cares about how other students were treated.I would not be telling people this if, it was not really true. I was treated like, I had no feelings by alot of people.People would actually make me cry at school, because, they hurt me.People I remembered, often did not remember me.I was betrayed and, backstabbed by students who claimed to be my friends. I have only one good friend from high school, since, not very many people seemed all that interested in knowing me for more then, just an aquaintance.Fortunately, I have made plenty more, friends, since, then.I was threatened, jumped and, taunted by some of the other girls at school, often, for no reason.People often spread rumors about me around the school, lies. I was shy so, I had a hard time relating to other students.I was teased for years by students, because,I was held back by a teacher who hated me, in elementary school.I had a learning disability and, teachers would often use this against me and, traumatized me enough to the extent that I had a learning block.They spread rumors about me and, alot of people in high school knew that I was held back or, that I had a learning disabilty. I thought high school would be better since, people were older. I never did anything to your friends or, said anything to make them not like me.I could barely get passed your friends in the hallway. They would make it so that I could hardly walk by, and, they would laugh at me.I don't know why.I feel so alone, sometimes. You are more fortunate then, I am when it comes to having children. I have never been able to concieve, children. There is a emptiness, being, married several years and, being childless. I always wanted to be a mother so, it is devastating to not have a choice, to have or, not have them.I am not saying, I am jealous of you but, you are lucky to have children.Life can be really, lonely when you do not have them. I have cats, but, they do not take the place of children.Thanks for being so understanding. I am glad to know that people have changed.

At Sat Dec 3 06:56:26 2005, Norman () wrote:

Whoever "anomous" is just needs to get over what ever happened to him/her. We all have been out of high school for 15 years,just get on with your life!Tessa,I also found CJ Christansen on the same site. Is your e-mail address still the same?If it is I will send you the link so you can check it out.

At Sun Dec 4 08:16:54 2005, Amy () wrote:

Ok, here's a thought... we've all been on this site talking about our successes and our failures, our good times and the things that go wrong. And we've all supported each other in that. 'Congratulations, so-and-so!' or 'Oh, that's too bad so-and-so, I hope things get better for you soon.' I think maybe Anonymous wants to be a part of that. She has come out and told us some pretty personal things. Even though she may have said some pretty hurtful things to many people, I really don't think she has a mean heart, I think she is just hurting. When I was going through my divorce, it would have done no good for people to come to me and tell me, "Hey, just get over it!". It would have festered the hurt. I needed to heal in my own time and in my own way. We all do. And the support I got from my friends and family made the healing 100 times easier. Norm, you needed to deal with your truck being stolen recently (that's really rotten, by the way... I've never had a car stolen but I had one broken into once and it's a terrible feeling... but at least I still had my car). You and I never really 'hung out' in high school, but we were at least on 'hi' terms. I don't even know if Tessa and I were even that. The point is, I technicall know everyone who is posting on this site, but that's where it stopped back in high school. But now, as I've been reading and posting here and there about how everyone is and what everyone is up to, I feel like if I saw any of you, I would probablyl greet you as a friend now instead of just someone who went to my old school. So when Norm says his truck is stolen, even though I didn't know him well in school, I honestly sympathize with him and very honestly wish him the best in recovering it. I guess my point is, is that I think that's what Anonymous needs right now. She is hurting and seems to be trying to find a way to heal from it. I can honestly say that I wish her the best in it and I'm here for her... just like I'm here for Norm if he needs to vent about his truck some more (and I wouldn't blame you if you did). In lots of ways, we are building a group of friends here on this site. Although maybe in a negative way, Anonymous has been part of our group for a pretty long time. My guess is that she would rather be a positive part of it. So, as a group, can't we extend that invitation and offer her the same support that we've been giving each other for years? *For the record, I hope I didn't offend anyone here. Norm, I used your truck being stolen as an example, but I didn't mean anything personal by it. I've always thought you were really nice.

At Sun Dec 4 10:52:02 2005, () wrote:

At Sun Dec 4 10:52:21 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

First, "troll" in the sense that I used it is a widely accepted internet term for trouble-makers and flamers. This anonymous person has been flaming people left and right on this site, therefore, I referred to her as a troll, not because that's what I think of her as human being. Second, I think this so-called "Lisa" is the same person as anonymous. Third, the last time someone posted anonymously was several years ago and he ended up revealing his identity (Jason Rideout) because he realized people were really upset. He apologized. He was just joking around but when he realized the negative impact his "joking" was having, he identified himself, apologized and never did it again. That is vastly different than this situation. Fourth, sure you can remain anonymous, but I honestly believe it is counter-productive to what you are probably trying to achieve. If you crave respect from people on this site, anonymously attacking us is not the way to do it. Fifth, anonymous, you know *nothing* about me if you think I don't understand what it is like to be teased, harassed, threatened, pubically humiliated and physically attacked (and what one carries with them for years after). Sixth, as traumatized by it as I was, as angry as I am about it still, I would never conceive to track these people down over the internet and anonymously harass them so many years later. Do I want to exchange Christmas cards with them? Of course not. But neither am I going to attack them. Where does that get me? Turns me into them, doesn't it? I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out who you are. Clearly you're very hurt but I cannot think of what I could have done to you. High school was crazy. I'm still sorting stuff out. If I hurt you, it was totally unintentional. That doesn't make it better, but there was no one I went out of my way to hurt. And I certainly never jumped anyone. If you didn't ride the bus with me to Northgate Elem. then I'm pretty sure you and I were in St. Catherine's together. If you're the person I'm thinking of, then we lived a few blocks from each other and would spend the nights at each others houses when we were in elementary school. We were friends. If you're the person I'm thinking of, this breaks my heart, because I know I would never attack you. If you're the person I'm thinking of, I want you to know I've often wondered what happened to you and have always hoped for the best for you. If you're who I think you are, your initials were SH when I knew you. If this is you, I can't fathom what I did because all I remember about you is that we had been friends and that I liked you the whole time I knew you, even if we weren't friends in high school. Is it possible you *thought* I was laughing at you? This is why I ask: Once in 10th grade, I was eating lunch with a friend and we were joking around. I was laughing so hard that my eyes were watering and a teacher marched up to me and asked me if I was on drugs (citing my watery eyes as her tip off). Her peception of me was based on one moment. She never got over it. Anyone who knows me knows how ridiculous her accusation was because in high school I wouldn't even accept a Tylenol for a headache (literally, just ask Mark or Amy). Could it be that there was an incident that may have made it seem like I was laughing at you? The only time I recall ever openly mocking anyone was in 9th grade when I had a crush on someone and he walked by. I'm not proud of it and I'm not trying to make excuses for it, but the only reason I did that was because I was so insecure and didn't know what to do (stupid, I know, but there it is). Other than that, I can't recall an incident in which I openly, intentionally mocked anyone. My last point is this (to piggy back what Amy said): a lot has happened in the 15 plus years since high school. People are different. Look at what Amy was able to do: you visciouly attacked her for having so many kids and she turned around and was very kind to you. I'm not saying you don't deserve kindness, but give us a chance. Give us a chance to make up for whatever we did to you. Attacking us is not going to get any of us anywhere. If you don't tell us who you are or what our wrongs against you were, how can we possibly make things right? And why are you assuming we wouldn't want to? Why are you assuming that 1, we were bad people in high school ('cause last time I checked, high school was hell for everyone, whether it was school itself, or in my case, my home life) and that 2, we haven't matured, that we've stayed exactly as we were then? And most importantly, WHY are you not giving yourself a chance? Why are you cutting yourself so low that you don't believe we'd welcome you with open arms here? There are a lot of people on this site I never knew in high school (eg, Charles Cooper, knew by name and face only) but here I am, interacting with them. Give yourself respect: stop telling yourself the world hates you. Stop proving it to yourself by provoking us into attacking back at you. I'm angry about this because we ALL (including you) deserve so much better. Whether or not you are the person I'm thinking of, I want the chance to right whatever wrong. If you don't tell me who you are, I won't have that chance. If you continue to attack me, it really only goes against you. My temper is shorter than Amy's, and my patience thinner, but like Amy, I am very quick to forgive. Just stop attacking me to give me a fair chance to do it.

At Sun Dec 4 11:33:32 2005, Jenny () wrote:

If anonymous is SH, I would love to get in touch with you. THis is Jenny from St Catherines, not Jennifer. I also attended Ingraham for a year and a half.

At Sun Dec 4 12:27:21 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

Hi Jenny. I'm wondering if you're the Jenny I'm thinking of? Don't want to post your last name here in case you'd like to remain anonymous. Is your last initial M? How have you been?

At Sun Dec 4 12:34:52 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

Hi Jenny, actually I meant to ask, is the first initial of your last name M? (That is to say, was it when I knew you?)

At Sun Dec 4 13:14:01 2005, Jenny () wrote:

Jeaneen. No, wrong Jenny. But I know who your talking about. You and I were not in the same class. Actually SH and I are class of 1991. I found this web site looking for Ingraham 1991. I kind of got sucked in my anonymouses posts. My Ingraham experience was similar to hers. I wouldn't have even posted here, but I would love to get in touch with SH.

At Sun Dec 4 15:15:25 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

Ah, okay. Well, I hope you and SH can get in touch. :)

At Sun Dec 4 17:20:18 2005, Jenny () wrote:

Well, I'd really like to sign off this board. After all, I didn't even graduate with this class!! So SH, if you would like to get in touch, please email me at alvinhar12@yahoo.com. I just want to touch base see how your doing. Catch up.

At Sat Dec 10 09:20:21 2005, Amy () wrote:

Wow, Jeaneen! We really know how to kill a conversation, huh?

At Wed Dec 21 12:30:35 2005, Jeaneen () wrote:

Wishing ALL a very Merry Christmas and a terrific New Year. Here's to joy, peace and love for everyone. :)

At Sat Dec 24 09:44:06 2005, norman () wrote:


At Sun Dec 25 21:20:24 2005, Tessa () wrote:

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Hope everyone had a GREAT holiday.....be safe.

At Mon Dec 26 08:18:18 2005, Amy () wrote:

Wow! Can you believe it's been another year already? It seems like the older I get, the quicker the time passes. So much has happened for me this year, and I'm looking forward to another great year ahead. I wish the same to all of you. (A little early, but...) Happy New Year to everyone!