Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Entries from 2007



At Fri Jan 19 15:54:41 2007, Mark Branom ( wrote:

We're Back! Happy New Year! I just realized that somehow my server settings were changed so nobody could post. Oh, well. That's been fixed, so feel free to post away!


At Wed Feb 28 16:26:18 2007, Tessa () wrote:

Hey everyone....where are you?!?!?


At Tue Mar 6 18:52:29 2007, Charles Cooper () wrote:

Well, it has been a while since the last time I was here. I hope everyone is doing well. I've been concentrating on work, studying for my Information Technology certifications, and traveling a little. I known someone who works at Princess Cruise Lines, so I have been able to get discounts on cruises. I have been going to New York City for St. Patrick's Day for a couple of years. Having a buddy with his own place in New York City and using Jet Blue for the trip, only costs $248 for four days, without having to rent a hotel room. (Starting in May, it will jump to $500+.) Has anyone else noticed the amount of condos that are becoming built in Seattle? In Ballard, it is insane.

At Mon Mar 12 22:10:07 2007, Tessa () wrote:

I haven't been to Ballard since last summer, but I was VERY bummed to see the house I grew up in, in Ballard, which was a very nice hand built by the husband house, was torn down for a condo building that's about 5 feet from the neighbors houses on both sides. Of all the houses on the block, they had to buy & tear that one down. I was SOOOO sad. I HATE condo's. How many do we need, you know?

Otherwise, things are going good. I'm 5 1/2 months pregnatn with a little boy (my 1st successfull pregnancy) and we just bought a house that we move into in 2 weeks. So this year is a very big one for us. It's very exciting. Hope all is just as well with everyone else!


At Sat May 19 01:10:33 2007, Michaela (Hegamin) () wrote:

Charles, who do you know at Princess? I used to work there -- many people in my family are bummed that I didn't go back after my son was born!
Tessa, I hope all is going well for you. I know what a big, scary shock it is when you discover that miscarriages are really common. The great thing, though, is that you eventually end up with a little person who you wouldn't trade for the world. Good luck!

JulyAt Fri Jul 6 15:51:56 2007, Tessa () wrote:

Thanks. I am doing good and things are going well. I'm due next we're getting a little anxious and excited. It's been a pretty easy pregnancy...if you don't count the swollen feet for the last 3 months. I've only been able to wear flip flops and slippers. But all things considered, I can deal with that. : ) I'll let you know when the big day arrives! Hope everyone (all 3 or 4 of us) are enjoying the weather!!

At Wed Jul 25 19:20:24 2007, Charles Cooper ( wrote:

Michaela! Long time, no hear. My Brother is Carrie Tuttle's boyfriend, so she has been giving us discounts for the cruises. She recognized your name immediately. It seems there should be congratulations all around; marriages, births, etc. Now, if only I can win the Lottery... ;-) I would be happy with sunshine for more than a week straight.


At Tue Aug 28 19:28:53 2007, Tessa () wrote:

Just wanted to check in and let everyone know I had the baby. July 18, 2007 at 4:33am after 23 hours of labor. : ) His name is Dominic and he's getting big. It's been 6 weeks and he's gained 5 lbs and grown 3 inches!!! He's the size of a 2 month old. Anyways, things are going great...hope everyone is well.


At Mon Oct 29 13:45:58 2007, Jessica Schauberger ( wrote:

Just wanted to drop by and say hi! Congrats Tessa on baby Dominic and thanks for posting all those cute pix on myspace. He truly is a gem.... Hi Charles... Hi Michaela!


At Wed Nov 7 18:50:24 2007, Norman () wrote:

How is everybody doing?? Doesn't anyone post here anymore, or do we all stay on myspace????

At Sun Nov 18 20:47:24 2007, Christian Santiago ( wrote:

I recognize many names from this class even though I had only attended Ingraham during the first two years of high school. Recently, I walked into the office to see if Mr. Cygan was still teaching history so that I could tell him how much I appreciated someone like him teaching our classes. Unfortunately, the secretary said that he had retired a few years ago but probably teaches at a community college. Afterwards, I walked through the halls which almost 20 years ago seemed so daunting and large. Had I stayed at Ingraham I would have been part of the class of 1990 reunion. However, I do not think anyone remembers me at all. From 1986-1988, my personal situation was in complete turmoil. Because of the turmoil coupled with my inexperience in interacting with others I was for all intents and purposes a basket case internally. In my final two years I returned to living in West Seattle which required a transfer to Chief Seatlh which, in my opinion, was worlds away from the scene at Ingraham. I have to admit that many of my classmates at Ingraham were interesting individuals; I wish I had the interaction skills that I have developed over the years back then to uncover these people in the class of 1990. This class was a watershed class because it was probably the final class that drew most of its students from the local area instead of across town. I recall it being a freshman class of 500 which was also a watershed figure. Presently, Seattle is a transient place full of overpriced housing and transplants from all over the country. In the 15 years that I have been independent as an adult, I have encountered fewer than a dozen Seattlelites. Of course, whenever a person claims that they are from Seattle all one has to do is ask about the schools that they attended. When I was at Ingraham with this class, Seattle was just a respectable regional city. The Mr. Smiths and Mr. Cygans at Ingraham could actually afford to buy a house near the school with their own salary. Minimum wage was $3.35/hour for many years. Students actually looked original and would meet up with each other face to face because there were no cell phones or internet. I suppose I am one of those late bloomers. At the UW, I had a prerequisite with a girl from Ingraham but she didn't even recognize me even though we sat next to each other in a math class freshman year. Ultimately, I spent a few years out of state completing law school but when I returned in 2001 I noticed a marked change in Seattle. Hopefully, I can attend the next reunion for this class so that I can reconnect with my nostalgic past. It is good to know that there are people in this class that are still active in keeping touch with each other.


At Mon Dec 17 06:54:16 2007, Amy Thurber (Jackson) ( wrote:

Christian, I totally remember your name, but I can't put a face to it. But I'm really bad at that anyway. I've been so busy lately. I got a job working for a 'behavioral' preschool class. I work for the school district here, and my class is the one where they send all the kids who are unable to function in a regular class because of behavioral or developmental disorders. We currently have eight children in it. I hopefully will be going to U of U soon to get my degree in preschool special ed. It's so funny because in all those questionaires we used to fill out in school, they always predicted that my ideal job was a Kindergarten teacher - lol. But I really enjoy my job. It's very challenging at times, but every day is different from the last and I really love the kids I work with. Anyway, that's what's been happening with me lately. Not much different from what always is happening with me. The kids are almost all in school full-time now, making it much easier for me to focus a little bit on my own schooling and future. Generally, it's really a nice time of life for me. I really enjoy the ages of the kids right now. They are fun, but a handful, when they are really young. But now that they are a little older, we have so much fun together. We can appreciate the same jokes and play the same games (I mean actual games - not candyland and go-fish... ugh!). So far, raising teenagers really isn't as bad as everyone says it would be. Granted, I only have a 15yo and a 13yo that qualify as teens. I'm sure it will get a little more challenging when I have 4 teenagers and a 12yo. Not too worried yet, though.

At Sun Dec 23 13:40:54 2007, norman gettys ( wrote:

I hope everybody has a great Christmas,and a happy New Year!!!!


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