Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Catching up

Just checking in with everyone - seems to be very little activity lately. Where is everyone?

I'm now 37 weeks and 4 days along in my pregnancy - could go at any time. My due date is the 17th (my birthday) but I'm hoping ot have him on a differnet day so he'll have his own day. So we'll see. Getting excited and anxious, as I still am not prepared - not like I was with Dominic, but then again I wasn't chasing a 14 month old around while trying to prepare things for the baby's arrival either. : )

Still doing things around the house.....no major undertakings yet, but we did build a nice shed - I was 8 months pregnant hammering and cutting wood, etc - that was interesting. So hopefully when the market gets back up, the things we have done will be worth something.

Crazy to think our 20 year reunion will be in 2 years, isn't it? How the time flies......I'm sure it's a little too soon, but is there anyone with any news ont he reunion planning, etc?

Hope everyone is doing well and hopefully we'll see some posts on here soon! Take care, Tessa (Spear)

posted by Tessa () at September 30, 2008, 11:21 am


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